neko? part 2

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Marks pov
                    1 day later
I walked into the room I was in yesterday and I saw that neko I met yesterday I think his name was.... Jack! Ya Jack I walked over to him but was pulled back by my leash "now mark I'm going to go out you play with this neko ok?" I nodded as he walked out the door "be nice Jack don't get carried away!" said Jack's owner I guess he was here too. "H-hi m-mark" Jack said in a scared voice "hey jack! How are you?" he started to smile "I'm fine thank you" he crawled over to me he is so cute!

 "H-hi m-mark" Jack said in a scared voice "hey jack! How are you?" he started to smile "I'm fine thank you" he crawled over to me he is so cute!

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He started purring and licking my fur. It started to get hot in the room and I looked at Jack licking and purring on me "hey jack?" he stopped licking and looked at me "yeah?" "is it just me or is it hot in here?" he looked at me worried "oh no! You might have a cold lay down "he laid me down on my back "no wai-" "oh." he then saw my dick standing proud in the air "I didn't mean too.." he said and lifted me up "it's fine I can get rid of it myself" I said scraching the back of my neck and blushing "oh ok well looks like our owners are here ok look do what I say" he laid on the floor so did I and the he started puffing so did I then our  owners came in the room and said "wow looks like you guys had fun well bye!" "bye" "bye!"

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