First words

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Killian's P.O.V

It had been a day since Sam was born. I rolled over as I heard him crying. It was still dark outside. I grabbed my phone and looked at the time. It was one in the morning. Emma was starting to wake up.

I snuck out of bed and down to the nursery. I picked Sam up and bounced him in my arms. After a minute he fell back asleep.

"If I put you down are you going to be a man about it?" I asked.

(Bonus points if you get that reference.)

I put him back down in his crib and hoped he would stay asleep. Lucky he did. When I went back to our room Emma was awake.

"Is he ok?" She asked.

"He's fine love. Get some sleep."

She nodded and almost immediately fell asleep. I fell asleep soon after.

When I woke up Emma was already down stairs. When I came down Emma was sitting at the table with Regina.  She had Sam in her arms.

"Morning love, Morning Regina." I said kissing Emma.

"Morning." Emma smiled.

"I'm going to take a shower then I'm going to run out and get some food." I said.

I headed up stairs to take a shower.

Emma's P.O.V

"How did you sleep?" Regina asked.

"Not great." I laughed.

"You should really get some sleep take a nap or something."

"I know I just." I was looking down at Sam who was asleep in my arms.

"Emma you can put him down and take a nap. He'll still be there when you wake up."

I was worried. I didn't get to see Henrys first steps or hear his first words. I didn't want to miss any of it with Sam.

"Anyway enough about me. How are you?" I asked.

Regina laughed nervously.

"Actually I have some news."

"What is it?"

"I'm pregnant."

"Omg Regina that's amazing!" I gasped.

Seven months later

Still Emma's P.O.V

We were in the sitting room and Henry was sitting on the floor with Sam.

"Come here Sammy." Henry called.

Sam sat and just looked at him.

"Hm guess not." Henry laughed.

"Come to mommy Sam." I smiled.

Sam crawled a few steps forward before sitting back down. This was the first time he had crawled. I leaned down and picked him up.

"I'm so proud of you." I said proudly.

"Guess he doesn't like me." Henry sighed.

"He just loves his mommy more." I laughed as he started playing with my hair.

Two months later Regina gave birth a beautiful baby girl called Sarah.

One year after Sam was born

Killian's P.O.V
Emma was in the kitchen making food and she had Sam in her arms.

"Hey love I'm running out for a bit I'll be back in about ten minutes." I called.

Sam started crying as I walked out of the room.

"I'll be back soon Sammy." I smiled.

"Daddy!" He cried as I walked out of the room again.

I froze and turned around. Emma was smiling at me.

"His first word." She laughed.

I walked back in and took him off Emma. A tear of happiness slipped down Emma's cheek.

"I guess he doesn't want me to leave. I'm going to take him with me ok?" I asked.


I brought him out to the car and strapped him into his seat. He stopped crying once he was in the car. I was so proud his first words had been calling out to home. He was a daddy's boy.

A/N: ok so this chapter was short I know and I'm sorry. I'm going back to school soon so Iv been busy. This book is coming near its end. For the next few chapters how ever many more I do it will just be skipping through the most important parts of him growing up. First day at school first kiss first girlfriend that kind of thing. I will also be starting a new one shot book and I will be taking suggestions. So if you want me to write a one shot for you let me know! Thanks for so much for reading this book. I hate that I have to end it soon but all things must come to an end. I will give it a proper end as well.

Mr. & Mrs. Jones (Rewrite in progress!)Where stories live. Discover now