Please Wake Up

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Killian's P.O.V

"Killian you have to get her out of there!" Regina screamed.

Echo ran in ahead of me. The whole building was on fire now. I coughed as I walked in from all the smoke. I could barely see anything but I finally made it to Emma's office. Echo was curled up next to Emma. When she saw me she jumped up and started pulling a bit of wood that was lying on Emma's leg. Emma was lying on the floor passed out. I moved the piece of wood  and picked her up in my arms. Echo lead the way out. When I got out I sat on the ground Emma cradled in my arms.

"Henry call your grandad and Dr Whale quick!" Regina shouted dropping to her knees in front of me.

Henry called Dr Whale and I held Emma in my arms as we waited for the ambulance. I started crying.

"Regina I cant lose them both."

"Hey look at me your not losing either of them." She said taking my hand.

The ambulance pulled in and then David's car sped in. David jumped out of his car.

"What happened?" He shouted running to us.

"I don't know something exploded in side and Emma got trapped in side." I tried to explain.

"It wasn't an explosion." David sighed. "We had a jar of dragon fire. It must of fallen off the shelf and broke. Only thing in there that could do that so quickly."

I carried Emma in to the ambulance and Regina and Echo jumped in with me. Henry went with David in his car. Echo wouldn't leave Emma's side.

"Emma please wake up." I whispered kissing her hand.

When we got to the hospital Regina went to Henry, Snow and Charming. I went into the room with Emma. She still hadn't woke up.

"Please ok." I placed my hand over her stomach. "Both of you."

Henry and Regina came in.

"Has she woke up yet?" Regina asked.

I shook my head. Dr Whale walked in and we all turned and look at him.

"Both heartbeats are strong. They'll be ok Killian." He said.

I let out a sigh of relief taking her hand.

"Wait both heartbeats?" Henry asked confused.

I completely forgot Henry didn't know yet.

"Henry, Emma's pregnant." I said.

"I'm going to be a big brother." He smiled.

"Ya you are kid." Emma said weakly.

She was finally awake. I turned to her.

"Love, are you ok?" I asked.

"Killian if I was ok do you think I would be in hospital?" She joked.

"I'm so glad your awake." I said kissing the top of her head.

"And the baby?" She asked.

"Your both fine."

She smiled taking my hand again. Snow Charming and Echo walked into the room.

"Oh sweetie." Snow cried. "Whale says both of you are ok where you in there too Killian?"

I looked at Emma and she looked worried she wasn't ready to tell them yet. Before I could say anything Regina stood up.

"I was." She smiled.

"Thank you." Emma whispered to her when she walked over and stood next to her.

Echo jumped up on the bed and lay next Emma.

"Hey girl." Emma said petting her.

"She saved your life. She lead me to you I could barely see, with out her I probably wouldn't have been able to find you." I explained.

"Thank you Killian, for getting me out of there." She smiled.

"Hey mom." Henry said walking over beside her.

"Hey kid." She said taking his hand.

"I'm so glad you're ok."

"Me too." She smiled. "It's getting late you guys should go home."

"Are you sure?" Snow asked.

"I have Killian I'll be fine." She smiled.

Emma's P.O.V

Everyone left and went home it was just me and Killian left. Regina had taken Echo home to her house.

"I love you Killian." I said.

"I love you too Swan." He smiled. "So when are you going to tell your parents?"

"It's Snows birthday next week I will have had the ultrasound by then I can give her a birthday present." I explained.

"It's an amazing present." He said.

He kissed me and lay down on the bed next to me. I cuddled into him and fell asleep.

Mr. & Mrs. Jones (Rewrite in progress!)Where stories live. Discover now