Time for school

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At this point Sam is five and Henry is twenty two and living with Violet, and now on with the story.

Emma's P.O.V

"Sammy! Come on time for school." I called up stairs. "We're going to be late!"

Sam came running down stairs and grabbed his bag.

"Come on your dads waiting in the car."

We headed outside and got into the car. 
Sam was starting his first year at school.

"Don't worry Sam, it will be fine. Snow will be teaching your class. Just try to make friends and have a great day." I said pulling up at school.

"Have a great day lad." Killian said as he got out the car.

We watched as he ran in the front gate and up to Snow. I let out s sight. I was worried. I don't know why, he was an outgoing kid he was going to make friends.

"He'll be fine love. Don't worry it's only a half day." Killian assured me.

Killian pulled me into a hug. Once Sam had disappeared inside we went home. I spent the afternoon worrying.

"I have to go to work, are you ok to pick Sam up on your own?" Killian asked.

"I'll be fine." I smiled.

At about ten to one I headed down to the school. I waited by the gate for the school day to be over.  Kids started flooding out as the bell rang. Sam ran up and hugged me.

"Hey kid, how was school?" I asked.

"It was great!" He beamed practically jumping up and down.

"Come on you can tell me more about it when we get to Granny's." I laughed.

We took our usual booth at the back of the diner. We ordered our food and talked.

"So did you make any new friends at school?" I asked.

"I was talking to Sarah, and I met this boy called Dean he was really nice!"

"I'm guessing you had a good day?" I smiled.

"I did! Gran was a great teacher! It was fun."

Granny brought us our food. Once we were done Granny gave Sam a free ice cream for his first day.

"Come on Sammy let's go home."

I held out my hand and Sam grabbed my hand running out to the car. When we got home Henry was waiting for us.

"Hey Henry what's up?" I asked.

"Nothing I just wanted to see Sammy after his first day." He smiled. "Come on you want to play some games?"

Henry and Sam ran off to the sitting room. I followed them in a few minutes later to see them sitting on the floor. They were playing Mario on the X-Box. Henry was still a child at heart but he had grown up so much.

"Can I join you guys?" I asked sitting on the couch.

"Sure." Henry said handing me spare controller.

We played for about an hour until Killian came home. As soon as he came in Sam ran up to him and started talking.

"Mom?" Henry asked.

"Ya kid."

"I need your advice."

"What is it?" I said worried.

He pulled a small black box out of his pocket.

"I want to ask Violet to marry me."

"Oh my god Henry!" I gasped.

"I don't know what to do or how to do it." He said nervously.

"Just say what even comes naturally. Don't worry I'm sure she'll say yes."

"Thanks mom."

I pulled him into a hug. I had never been prouder.

"Now I have some where to be." He smirked as he ran out the door.

"Call me as soon as you can!" I called.

I watched him walk down the drive. My little boy had grown up so much. He was going to propose. I smiled as I closed the door. I couldn't believe he was going to propose. It seemed like only yesterday he knocked on my door and told me he was my son.

Mr. & Mrs. Jones (Rewrite in progress!)Where stories live. Discover now