The warehouse

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( long chapter)
Telyla's POV

My class just ended and it's 6:30 pm. I had a hour and a half to get ready to meet the twins. I was exited not gonna lie. But nervous.. there's 2 of them..
what if I accidentally think that Ethan ls Grayson and I hurt gray more..

30 mins later..

I just got back to my apartment. I get my keys out of my purse and unlock the door.
A fuzzy little thing runs to me and scares me

"Ahh! Aww hi baby did u miss me?" I say as I crouch down and pick up the cute fuzzball.

"Aww is little daisy hungry?" I say setting her down on the couch. She immediately jumps back down and follows me to the kitchen. I pick up her food bowl and pour her food into it. I set it down and she almost collapsed into her bowl. I just look at her and laugh.

"I've never met a hungrier husky than you daisy"  daisy looks up from her bowl and smiles at me. Oh how she brings me joy.

"Oh daisy.. I have to go somewhere in a little bit but I'll be back tonight. I met a cute guy!"

She looks at me and sneezes. "Ik daisy. U don't like new people. Trust me he's nice. He's nothing like Jared. I promise. Daisy I gotta go get ready."

I walk upstairs Into my room. I open the door and see a letter on my nightstand..

It reads:

Dear Telyla,

I'm sorry for everything I've done.. I never meant to hurt you.. but today I saw you with that Grayson guy, and I wanted to die so much... I love you and I want to be with you.. please Telyla! I'm begging you.. if we don't get together I will kill myself. That's not a threat. It's a promise.


Omfg he's so annoying. I threw it into my trash can and went into the bathroom. I started the shower. I went to my closet and picked out a black crop top with "savage" in gold lettering. A black lacy bra and thong. And jean short shorts. I lay them nicely onto the bed. I walk back into the bathroom and get undressed. I open the door to the shower and step in. I immediately relax under the warm water hitting my back.  I turn my head enough to get my hair wet. I wash and condition my hair. And wash my body with my all time favorite body wash.. a thousand wishes from bath and body works. It smells so delicious. It's not even funny.

I rinse off my body and turn the water off. I grab my towel and step out of the shower. And In front of me lays daisy. I can't go anywhere without her. She's my best friend.

"Oh daisy. I can't go anywhere without u anymore"

I dry off and wrap my hair in the towel. I go into my bedroom and grab my clothes. I put my clothes on and take my hair out of the towel. It's still wet but not soaked. I rub my hair in the towel for drying purposes,  it was almost dry so I brushed it and let it down to air dry. I grabbed my makeup bag off the counter. I start to apply my makeup and I go for a natural look.

By the time I'm done with my makeup my hair is already dry. My hair goes all the way down to my thighs. Light and dark brown with blonde highlights. So beautiful. I pick up my phone to see what time it is. Damn it's 7:30.
I have 30 mins to get to the warehouse. I text Grayson and tell him I'm on my way. He reads it a few seconds later and replies with "ok I'll see u then 😉"

I just smiled at his response. He's so sweet and cute. I just can't. I can't get over how his warm smile lightens up my heart and day. I come back to reality by Daisy's little whimpers.

"Sorry daisy. I have to go."

I walk down stairs and grab my white converse. I slide them on, I grab my keys and my purse and walk out. I walk down the stairs to the parking garage. I walk over to my white mustang. Such a beauty. I get into my car and put the address of the warehouse into my Gps. I start my car and head off. I'm about 4-6 minutes away from the twins, I come to a stop. There's an elder lady In the street on her knees. Without any thoughts I get out and help her up. I bring her across the street where she was trying to go. She looks at me and smiles.
"The world need young beautiful women like you dear in the world." She says with a wide and bright smile on her face.

I smile back, "thank you, are you alright?"

"Yes dear I'll be fine. I was just heading to my grandson's warehouse. Do you think you could drop me off dear?"

"Yes of course."

I help her walk back to my car and help her in safely. She looks at my phone and then back at me.

"So I see you're already going to the same location."

"Wait your the grandmother of the twins?"

"Yes I am. I'm so proud of them. Are you one of their girlfriends?"

I blush and smile

"No ma'am. But I met Grayson today and he's so sweet. He invited me over today to hang out with him and Ethan."

"Oh I see" she says while smiling.

5 minutes later..

We finally arrive to the warehouse and I get out and walk over to the other side of my car and open the door and help her out.

She has her arm clasped onto mine as we walk up to the entrance. She pulls keys out of her purse and unlocks the door. We walk inside together. We both get to the kitchen and hear the twins arguing upstairs.

"Oh no. They're arguing again.." she says while sitting down in a chair next to the table.

"I'm going to go see what all the fuss is about, I'll be right back"

I run upstairs and walk into Grayson.

"Woah! Who let you in?"

I couldn't believe what I was seeing..
he was just in his boxers... hot.

"Uh I ran into ur grandma in the streets and I brought her here, she opened the door. She's in the kitchen.."

"Wait grandma?" Ethan says as he likes his head around the corner.

"Yeah she's here."

*awkward silence* 

"Uh Grayson.. are you gonna put pants on?" Ethan says and he walks down stairs..


Hey guys sorry this is a long chapter... who knew she would run into grandma? 😂

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2017 ⏰

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