Chapter 12

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Nicki's Pov

I woke up to nobody by my side. I frowned a little because I really looked foward to waking up to him. But I got up went into the bathroom and took a quick shower, I got out, brushed my teeth, threw my hair into a ponytail and walked out the bathroom. I went downstairs and I was smelling breakfast. I walked into the kitchen and sat down. "Good morning love." I said to him. He turned around with a smile on his face, and gave me my plate. There was cripsy bacon, scrambled egg, and biscuit. I immediately stuff my face. "Well chill, your food ain't going nowhere.." He said with wide-eyed. I laughed, "Well, im kinda hungry.. I didnt eat all day yesterday. Remember?" "No, I dont remember because I locked myself in my room. Remember?" He said in a duh voice. "Well I was sleeping half the time you was in the room. You did wake me up. Remember?" He stood there with a stupid face. I laughed. "Got nothing to say now, huh?" "Shut up Nicki!" He said lauging. I started laughing along with him. Our laughter died down, and as it was dying down, he was looking right at me. With lust in his eyes. I just looked back at him, wanting to jump on him and kiss him but remembering me and him aren't at legal age to date. I looked away hatung the fact that he's way older than me. "Um , I - I am" he paused then took a deep breath. "Im going to take a shower." He said awkwardly. "Kay." I replied playing with my food.

While he was taking a shower, I was in deep thoughts. "He wanted me and I wanted him. Why couldnt he just kiss me? I know I'm young and all but nobody was around. And of course I wasn't going to snitch. There's just something about him...that attracts me to him. That makes me believe that he's different. Despite the fact that he's a pedophile. Well, use to be a pedophile. Ughhhh, this is complicated." I was so deep in thoughts that I didn't realize that Chris was standing there with his towel wrapped around torso. Literally, there was hearts on my eyes. His well shaped body. Droplets sliding down his well-builded stomach. "Uh.. Nicki, you there?" He asked. "Huh? Um, yea, I'm here." I replied snapping out of my thoughts. "Like what you see huh?" He said winking at me. "Are you flirting with me, Love?" I said squinting my eyes at him. "But you just flirted with me." He said laughing. "That's not the answer I was looking for but ok Chris." I said laughing along with him.

All day, me and him was sitting on the couch munching on munches and watching movies. It was actually a fun moment with him. His arm wrapped around my waist, and my head on his shoulders. A moment that every breezy fan dreams about. And a moment that I use to dream about several times. Lol. Don't judge.

After watching a couple of movies, we fell asleep in each other arms.

I woke up in Chris's arms in his bed. He was smiling at me and pushed a strand of my hair away from my face. He leaned in and pecked my lips. I was surprised but I kissed back. "You okay?" He asked me. "Yeah, why?" "You seem to be acting a bit stange..and you're forgetting something." He frowned. "Mommy ! Mommy ! Mommy !" A little girl came running in. "Who is this little girl?" I asked Chris. "This is our daughter." I looked at him strange. Im only 15... "No you're not. You're 19."

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