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Chapter Four

(Elijah Pierre)

Thursday, April 20th 2017

I stood behind Marley with my eyes locked on ol' dude at the door. Izzy was fast asleep in my arms and the last thing I needed was for Marley's dude to get crazy and wake my baby girl up. It was obvious he fucked up, that's why his corny ass was here with wine and fruit. I couldn't help the low chuckle that escaped my lips.

"What are you doing here Carter?" she asked again, seeing as he was too busy looking at us to answer her question.

"I came to talk to you, we need to talk," he replied simply.

"Well, I was just leaving," I spoke up, ready to go.

Marley turned around and looked up at me with pleading eyes. "I know it's getting late, but do you mind waiting inside with MJ and Miracle until I'm done talking to him? It won't take long at all."

I didn't know if she was afraid of this dude or if she was trying to let him know just how much she didn't want to be bothered with him; either way, I wasn't leaving until she asked me to. I looked down at a sleeping Isabella and then at my watch and nodded at her. It was only a little after 8 pm, so I could stay here for a little while longer to make sure Marley was good.

"Let me get that." I switched Isabella around in my arms so that I could grab the plates of food Marley made for us.

I walked away from the door, allowing her to close it behind her. I didn't feel too comfortable about her being out on the front porch with this dude by herself but I was sure Marley could handle him. If he got too crazy, I was right here. After sitting the plate down on the kitchen island, I made my way back to the family room. I laid Isabella down, making sure she was comfortable before taking a seat at the other end of the couch.

After I got comfortable, I turned the TV on and went to Sports Center, making sure to keep the volume low enough not to wake Izzy. Not too long into the show, Micah walked into the living room with a mug on his face.

"What's up Eli?"

"What's up with you bro? Your face all kinds of screwed up right now." I chuckled while he sat down across from me in the lazy boy.

"I heard that ol lover boy ass nigga at the door." He shook his head while getting comfortable.

"Your aunt wants me to stay until he leaves so, I'm chillin til she comes back inside."

Micah nodded his head and mugged the front door as if he could see through it.

"I don't like dude. I'm honestly hoping he'll get crazy, so I can finally beat his ass," Micah scoffed.

"He never hit your aunt or no crazy shit like that, has he?" I said, ready to go outside my damn self.

"Nah, he not that stupid. He just a cornball ass nigga, I don't like him."

"As long as he behaves, it's all good," I said, shrugging.

While we sat there, I found myself on mycellphone. I scrolled through my contacts, stopping at her name; a smile creptacross my face as I went to send her a text.

<<(8:16pm)To Marley: Ol ostrich neck behaving himself? 😒 I can come out there if you need me to.

I smirked to myself after hitting send. I glanced over at Micah, who wasn't paying much mind to the TV. He was waiting for his aunt to come back inside, like me. A little while later, my phone went off, letting me know I had a text message. 

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