Chapter One🔸Mission Impossible

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I clamped my eyes shut, afraid if I opened the morning light would flood through. I slowly relaxed, realizing where I was. I yawned and rolled over on my bed covered in light pink sheets. The blue and purple comforter and blankets were bundled up and the foot of my bed. I turned my head slightly to the right to check the clock. Red lights flashed, 7:05 am. Damian, being the gentleman he is, let me sleep in for 5 minutes. How sweet.

I've known about his crush on me for a while now, I'm not that oblivious. Some times I would give him the satisfaction of a kiss on the cheek, or cuddling with him during movies. But in a friendly way. He was my best friend after all.

I lifted my self off my bed and sat up right rubbing my eyes. The crimson curtains were closed, and barely any light peaked through. I stood up and popped my joints. I felt a sudden sharp pain in my arm and I quickly glanced down at it. I groaned and flopped down on my bed again. I had a huge bruise from my shoulder down to my elbow, when joker had let off a tiny bomb hurdling me towards a building.

I felt hopeless. Do I have to go to school?

The door slowly creaked open, and Damian was standing there, also tired looking. He walked over towards me and slung a arm around me, and pushed me back down onto my bed.

"School..." I breathed.
He grunted and shook his head.
"We can skip today. Now let me enjoy this before you make out with Tim."

I sighed and closed my eyes. His arms were around my waist, my back pressed against his chest. He was breathing deeper and deeper close to my neck. I laid still, knowing Tim would come in at some point and get super possessive over me.

My life was like one big love... Square. Boyfriend ----- Ex-Boyfriend ---- Best Friend ---- Me.

Damian would constantly cuddle with me when Tim wasn't. Tim would always kiss me when he had the chance. And Peter would text me about Michelle, and how she reminded him of me. It was so crazy.

Damian's legs wrapped around my own and he held onto me tighter all of the sudden.
"Tim..." He whispered angrily.
He must have thought I was asleep.

After a while, I finally did drift off into a comfortable sleep.

"Please Tim... She's asleep. Let her sleep." I heard Damian whisper.
"She's MY girlfriend, I should be the one with her!" I heard Tim shout.

The arms wrapped around my waist moved and the weight off my bed was lifted.
"Well, She's my best friend! You wouldn't know her without me!" Dami screamed.
My eyes opened a tad, but I was squinting because the light was shining in. Someone picked me up.
"Let's get you somewhere else..." Dick whispered.

Apparently Dick wasn't trying to, help me. Or he just has a terrible view of what help means. He carried me into Jason's room, and threw me onto him. He didn't seem to wake up though. He just shifted slightly, and continued to snore. I closed my eyes.

"Perfect! Now its Jason stealing my girlfriend!" Someone yelled.
"And my best friend?" I groaned and turned over.

I felt my self being picked up again.
"Its just me, Tim. Sorry for fighting. You don't have do go to school." He cooed caressing my cheek with his thumb.
"Good, because being a junior is annoying." I replied.
He laughed and kissed my nose.

I was sitting down between Damian and Tim. They weren't fighting anymore, but they did seem to be shooting glares at each other. Damian's fingers brushed against mine, but they didn't move.
"What are doing Dami...?" I asked curiously.
His hand pushed mine against my leg. He then slipped his hand into mine, holding on tightly. Sighing, he leant his head back wards and rubbed the back of my hand with his thumb.
"What are you doing...?" I asked.
"Oh nothing, n/n." Dami said loudly.

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