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I slowed opened my eyes, letting the sunrise take over. I slowly sit upright, and saw my uniform hanging over the side of my desk chair. I regretfully stood upright, and slipped on my unform top, sweater, pants, and out my hair up in an updo. Now, my school wasn't a fancy private school, but I always dressed to impress because I was considered part of the Wayne family after all.

Knock knock knock

I shuffled over to my door, and opened it up. In front of me was Tim covered in stars. He looked at me with betrayal written all over his face. Behind him stood a furious Damian.
"Y/n! We have school! And we look like.... This!" Damian yelled.

I suddenly gasped. Darn it! I grabbed the sleeve of Tim's shirt and pulled him to the bathroom, Damian following close behind.

I grabbed a washcloth and started on Tim's face. I then cleaned off his chest, then started on Damian.

"There! Fixed! Now go get dressed." I said shoving them in their rooms.

I quickly ate the breakfast that Alfred kindly made for us. Speaking of Alfred, Dick told me that NO ONE has ever made it back room after surfed without Alfred catching you. And want did I do? I made it my sworn mission to make it past Alfred after 9:00. Challenge accepted.

"Y/n... " I heard with a hand waving in front of my face. I snapped out of my trance and turned to face Jason.
"I'll be driving you to school today since Alfred will have his day off today. We will be taking the Lamborghini, the four sets. Not the two seat."
He told me. I quickly nodded and slung my backpack over my shoulder, and headed towards the door.

I was sitting in the back seat with Damian, because Tim had called shotgun before we could.

I walked through the big black doors to Gotham High school. I was a junior, not one of those super popular junior who a friends with all the seniors. Just a normal boring junior who sits with a few friends, *cough* Damian and Tim *cough*.

Beep beep beep


"Hello Gotham High school! Today's lunch will be homemade macaroni and cheese with garlic beard, or cheese pizza. Please don't forget we have parent teacher conferences on Monday."
I cringed at the words, parent teacher conferences.

I do realize I said I wasn't the ' badass popular kid ' but I'm also not the, ' finish all the homework and be a perfect little angel kid ' either. I was more of the ' stubburn and sassy kid that gets in trouble often but still manages great grades kid '. Y'know?

When Bruce found out about what I've been doing... He's not going to be very happy.
"Are we not telling him...? I don't want to tell him." Tim whispered.
"Are you going to disobey father!?" Damian yelled in shock.
Oh great, we're doomed if he doesn't agree to this.
"Dami... Please..." I pleaded.
I gave him my best puppy eyes, and I stuck out my bottom lip. He crossed his arms over his chest and glared at me.
"We will talk about this at home."
He walked away to his next class.

I turned to Tim, to see him looking disappointed in me.
"You really need to know that the only way to convince Damian to disobey Bruce, here, is to start loudly fake crying. He'll be embarrassed."
I giggled and shook my head.
"Okay, we will deal with this later."

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