Harry Osborn

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I sat at the dinner table poking at my food. I wasn't all that hungry, probably because Damian had saved some snacks for me in the car on the way home. Bruce looked up at us expectantly every now and then.

"Okay, cut the act. We know about Parent Teacher Conferences." Bruce said in an intimidating tone.
Tim slammed his fist on the table,and and shrunk down into my seat. My head was now below the table, and I was hoping into escape. Just as I slid under the table I made eye contact with Alfred (the cat).

We just stared at each other for a while, and he had a gleam in his eye. He knew I shouldn't be under the table, I mean, humans don't go under the table. He then began to meow in controllably. Tattle Cat.

"Y/n, get up." I heard Jason say.
I groaned and crawled back onto my seat, and gave a innocent smile.
"Who told you." Tim muttered.
"A little birdie." Bruce said happy with his dad joke.
"Was that little birdie a robin?" I said letting my smile break into a frown.

I glared at Damian who glared right back.
"Tattle tale." I muttered.
"Immature." I heard from across the table.
"Snitch." I said a bit louder.
"Idiot." Damian said getting even louder than me.
"Stupid." I said with my whole voice.
"I'm not the baby!"
"Yes you are!"
We comtiued yelling until Dick and Jason pried us away from each other. We would have tore each others faces off.

What we were doing? I don't know. I was just suddenly mad at him. He was supposed to be my best friend. And everyone knows best friends are supposed to hide the dead body together. Not tell your dad where the body is! Okay, bad analogy when I'm a super hero. Anyways...

Dick was sitting next to me on my bed, making sure I wouldn't chase after Damian.
"I'm assuming you need someone to talk to..." Dick said quietly.
"Huh?" I asked confused.
"You know, a best friend to talk to. Well, one that isn't madly in love with you." He said referring to Damian.
"Are you saying I should talk to you?" I asked hesitantly.
"What!? No. I meant Harry Osborn." He said shaking his thoughts away.

Harry Osborn? Harry was the name of Peter's new friend, and Osborn was the name of that huge company in New York. I'm not even sure what the company does, I just know they're filthy rich. But luckily, I know filthy rich. And not just because I'm living with the Wayne family, and I'm a Stark.

"Is he here or something?" I asked.
Dick looked at me with a smile. No, not a smirk, an actual smile.
"No. But, I did some research on the Osborn's -who are super rich so they seem like my kind of people- and I found his phone number. You should text him."

I looked at him suspiciously.
"Okay..." I said, my voice trailing off.

He got out his phone, and began typing rapidly on the screen, leaving fingerprints all over it.
"He should be texting you soon." With that, he picked up and left.


May 6, 2018
6:35 pm

You have a message from a unknown number

Dreams Of A Fangirl has been updated on wattpad

Unknown number... Huh. I wonder who...

Obviously Harry.

Hello! I'm Harry Osborn, if you don't know that already. I'm sure Peter has told me all about me, as he has told me all about you. I'm looking forward to meeting you this summer. If you ever need to talk I'm right here.

He expected me to know all about him, and he seemed to sweet. Maybe I could tell a little lie about knowing him.

Hi! Yes, I have heard a lot about you. You seem so sweet! I can't wait to meet you! Thank you so much.You're so kind.

I smiled to myself, glad there was someone there for me.

To who it may concern: No, I did not suddenly die. Yes, I will keep updating. I'm sorry that its been such a long time. I've been really sick lately, and my math teacher had been loading homework on me. Thanks for understanding!!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2017 ⏰

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