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hi! I wanted to say a quick thanks for 26K reads! you lot's support has been crazy and I'm so happy you're enjoying the story! I read every single little comment, and I love them all! I hope you'll enjoy the chapter 💛

Jimin's POV//

When I called and he said he was busy, this wasn't quite what I'd imagined. Yoongi was dusting off his flour-covered hands on his trousers and flashed a quick smile my way. "I didn't know you can bake?" I took a seat at the kitchen island and I spared a second to appreciate how grand the Min's kitchen was.

"You think those sweets I treat you to grow on trees?" Yoongi huffed, searching high and low through every cabinet in the kitchen until he finally pulled out a big cookie-tray in porcelain. Jimin shouldn't have been surprised, really, with the marble countertops and everything, but the tray looked way too expensive to use for cookies.

"I don't know, I guess I just assumed they were bought?" I shrugged and sniffed the air, trying to figure out what he was cooking... baking?

Yoongi gasped and clutched his hand over his chest, ever the dramatic. "I'm insulted." He huffed and pulled a pair of oven gloves over his hands. "Thought I was at least a little good at this."

"No Yoongi I didn't mean it like--Jesus, you're so difficult sometimes. High maintenance piece of fluff." I didn't actually want to insult him (more than I'd already done), so I kept it pg 13. "I meant it as a compliment. I'm really impressed, 형, you're good."

"Don't me." Yoongi wanted to point at me, I could practically see it in his eyes, but he was taking out the thing from the oven. "As you said, we're not even in Korea, we just so happen to be two Korean dudes living next to each other. No need to 형 me at all." Yoongi stated matter of factly and he raised his brows and his tone as he spoke.

"You like it though." I tried to sound as teasing as possible because that's what I liked to do, tease him. "Makes you feel a bit powerful, doesn't it? 혀여여영~" I dragged it out as much as I could, like fudge. Maybe. I don't know what you compare stuff that's drawn-out to. But it felt like fudge in my mouth.

"It does not. It is simply a formality... that we don't practise here." Yoongi kept his cool, well played, but I knew better than to give up now.

"How about 오빠?" I had to hold in a chuckle as he almost dropped the tray of cookies onto the floor. He scrambled to get the tray onto the kitchen island and he was definitely avoiding eye contact with me.

"That's not even- you're not, that's the wrong way to use that word. It's for girls- or not just girls but I mean, feminine identifying... I don't give a shit... people, when addressing-"

"I know how it's used, dickwad." I had to laugh this time, not at him though, no, rather at myself for being so hilariously clever. "I just like messing with ya'." Yoongi huffed and started to build a little tower of cookies on the porcelain tray.

Yoongi glared at me as he slid the tray over the kitchen island to me. "Go on, try them." He nodded towards the plate and smiled. I raised a brow at him and inspected a cookie, I wasn't sure if I trusted this.

"And you're sure they're not poisoned?" Yoongi pouted and crossed his arms over his chest. Couldn't say no to that, so I shrugged and took a big bite of it. "Oh my g-hod, 형, they're amazing!"

"I told you not to 형 me!" He groaned and stomped with his foot on the tiled floor. "Thank you." He mumbled, and I didn't miss his little side-smile, it made me smile a whole crescent-moon-smile.

I started to laugh without any reason at all, but it was a happy laugh, and Yoongi seemed to notice that as well as he didn't complain. "I can't help it! I haven't gotten the chance to use it in forever, and it just comes naturally with you." I shrugged and took another cookie from the tray.

"You want milk to go with that?" He totally changed the subject, but I didn't complain because I did indeed want a glass of milk.

"Thanks." I smiled as he gave me the rather large glass, and this time he let himself smile back. "Really, Yoongi, these are the best. What's in them?" I mumbled as I stuffed my mouth full with another one of them.

"Pecan nuts and chocolate chip, why?" I suddenly spat out all of the milk and started to scrape off my tongue. "Rude."

"No, 형, you don't get it. I'm allergic to nuts." Yoongi looked concerned at first, but then a small smile broke out, and soon enough he was laughing his goddamn cute ass off.

"I would crack a joke, but you legitimately look like you're gonna die so I'm saving that for later." He wiped a stray tear that escaped his eye.

"That's very thoughtful of you Yoongi, but if we could get me home or to a hospital in the nearest three minutes, that'd be good." Serious Yoongi was back, and he nodded before he put an arm under mine to stabilise me. What I didn't expect was for him to lift me up and start carrying me bridal-style. "Didn't know you h-hhsjrkfn(that's a cough)-had it in ya', 형." I smiled and patted Yoongi's cheek.

"You're really small Jimin, it's not that hard." Yoongi smiled back and tried to fasten his pace as we neared my house.

"Hey now, what's that supposed to-"

I got cut off as Yoongi opened the door to my house and screamed out: "Mrs Park? I might've poisoned your son!"

"That's one way to put it."

hey you guys!

today I'm announcing something BIG!

the first of its kind


so i thought that maybe once a month or once a something I'd announce the best comment of whatever I chose.

so I'll release a chapter that will contain some BEST OF so far, and then I'll add something monthly or whatever

the chapter will always be at the very end of the book, and I'll update the same chapter over and over with new comments

I just thought it would be fun to try and engage you people a bit more, because I read every single little comment and they honestly just make my day

so I wanted to showcase the best of the best!

It'll come in short, I've just got to read through all 2150 comments.


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