Chapter 1

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Hey guys! This is my first novel and I really hope you enjoy it! Thanks!


Blood orange eyes surveyed their surroundings, watching closely for any movement. The stench of fresh blood filled the air, distracting a passer from the rest of his senses.

Being a Ghoul, a human eating "monster"- as humans call them- Nyx was normally enjoying his petty human life. But every-so-often, he would get distracted by his Ghoulish senses. He would spend days in the human life, not eating a thing. Then his senses would take over until he found some real food.

Even though he wasn't hungry, he decided to ditch school and act like a normal Ghoul for once. He's never talked to other Ghouls before, but has encountered one. One that was just as strong as him, or even stronger. The humans call him "Eye Patch", and for what he's heard, he killed the strongest Ghoul Investigator, Amon.

Eye Patch has actually fought against Amon before, as stories say, but he left the investigator alone with just a warning and a hard memory to forget.

Eye Patch, also known as Ken Kaneki, has white hair and grey eyes, but what is strange about him is that he is a One Eyed Ghoul. It doesn't quite surprise Nyx, since he is, to, a One Eyed Ghoul. But unlike Kaneki, Nyx didn't need organs transplanted from someone who died, who was a ghoul, but he was actually born from a family which his father was a Ghoul and his mother was human, leaving their child as a half human, half Ghoul.

His mother died in childbirth, leaving Nyx to be taught to be a proper Ghoul. As he learned, he became more and more powerful until it engulfed him, leaving his father no choice but to almost kill his son. As soon as Nyx realized something was off, he calmed down just before his father struck down for the killing blow. His father died when going up against a group of Ghoul Investigators. The one who killed him was Arima, the white haired guy with black rimmed glasses.

As Nyx continued walking down the alleyway, he followed the smell until the passage turned left. When he turned, a Ghoul was sitting down, munching on a human corpse. His mask was slid up to his head, the white dog face stained with blood. The Ghoul turned when he sensed Nyx's presence and stood up, wiping the blood from his mouth after licking his fingers one by one. He was a little over weight with a bushy beard and brown hair that dropped down to his shoulders. His skin was unusually tan.

Nyx rolled his eyes and starred at the Ghoul, who was currently staring back. The Ghoul glowered, obviously suspicious about this Ghoul he had never seen before. "Who are ya, kid?" He asked, deep voice raspy.

Again, Nyx rolled his eyes, crossing his arms across his chest. He didn't answer, not wanting anyone to know his identity. As the other Ghoul waited for an answer, he tapped his feet on the ground, rolling back on his heels to his toes.

Getting impatient, the Ghoul charged forward, letting his kagene appear and rear forward, stabbing and slicing at Nyx, who easily dodged them. His own kagene appeared, red tentacles dotted with inky black. He sliced the Ghouls stomach, then his shoulder, then his shins. When the Ghoul dropped to his knees, he stared up at Nyx in surrendering. Nyx slid his mask off, which was a Plain, black gas mask, and placed it on the top of his head. Luckily, his right eye hadn't turned Ghoulish during the fight, or he would really be in trouble with the other Ghouls and Ghoul Invesigators.

Nyx sighed and glared down at the surrendering Ghoul. "What's your name?" he asked bluntly, stuffing his hands into his jacket pockets.

"Bantax." The Ghoul answered, bowing his head. "Just kill me to get it over with." he huffed, sounding like he actually meant it.

Nyx knew for sure that, if he let him live, he would report them to anyone who would try to find his real identity. He wondered how much this Ghoul wanted to live, or die, but Nyx could only see the seriousness shrewn on his face.

Rolling his eyes, Nyx lifted one of his kagene, and struck down on the Ghoul, who then plopped on the ground, blood pouring out around him. His eyes closed and his heartbeat stopped. Nyx turned around and left without saying another word. He just left Bandax's body to be recovered by the Ghoul Investigators, along with the carcass of the dead man he started to eat.

As Nyx continued walking, something hard was slammed onto his head, knocking him to the ground. He flipped himself back onto his feet quick enough to dodge another blow. A young girl, a Ghoul, held a clay pot in both of her hands, both of her eye Ghoulish. Nyx had enough Ghoul fights for today, so he jumped onto the building to his right after putting on his mask, and he started to climb upwards, away from the rampaging Ghoul.

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