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im actually a chach from texas

highkey im so tempted to go by chach I'm liKE 96% CONVINCED TBH

im the actual definition of chach ok its confirmed my name is chach call me chach

okokokok enjoy




o hello baby


what's wrong?

nothing, just still sad yoongi and
I broke up

jimin if y'all didnt last then obv
it wasn't meant to be

i know

but I'll miss him

hopefully I can replace him in
the meantime?

how exactly

hahhaa is it wrong to get

yes you asshole

okokok im sorr

it's ok

so do u want me to come over
and cuddle

nah I don't wanna be a bother

b you're not a bother

yes I am :(

brat im gonna cuddle you to death
you're not a burden

whateva chach

im noT A CHACH

whateva chach


can I still use ur c card tho

ugh sure




so who exactly is this guy you
cheated on yoongi with

he told y'all?


were not fake, unlike us.

so he trusts us n shit.

so spill.

okay look its just

I met this guy

named dayoung

and I really liked him

so it just ended up being that i was
bored of yoongi and dayoung was
new so I wanted him

and you tried keeping shit with
yoongi chill so that if u and this
bitch didnt work out youd have
back up

thats so fucking low jimin


message not delivered

literally wtf

message not delivered

hhhaaahhHAAHAH losers I bet y'all hate me

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