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bonjour, areum

presenting in front of the class can be scary.
life seemed to have hated you when ms.
elle called your name out first from her list,
and i couldn't help but worry. it's just ...
seeing your chest rise up and down with un-
even breaths made me feel protective of you.

for years, you've dealt with stage fright. yet
even though it was difficult for you, you still
enunciated clearly, and i felt so proud.
like, how can this flaw of yours be so perfect?

behind me sat the asshole that is randy. he
eventually stopped mocking your stuttering,
though it took him a while to. i was about
to sock him for being so infuriating, but he
ended his laughter before i turned around to
render him a piece of my -fist- mind.

p.s. you left the classroom with tears in your eyes right before i got called up to present, so ... perfect timing.

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