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hej, areum

i finally drew you again! okay, so it may not

look as perfect as you do in real life, but, hey,
i tried my best. tae really helped. he truly is
keen on art, even if he's not a great artist
either. this took me over a week to draw, and,

to tell you the truth, i feel proud of myself.
hope you enjoy it as much i do. don't worry,
i won't draw you anymore. i know it's weird.
so, keep this to yourself, and don't show this

one to randy. i heard he freaked out last time.
never have you told him about my letters. do
exactly the same with this drawing.

p.s. i befriended taehyung and he told me just how much you want to know my name. i told you to call me joonie. that is my name.

 that is my name

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