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References to eating disorders- read at your own risk.

POV: Taehyung
It's been a week since Jungkook became our family's personal 'servant', but not much has changed around the house.

Jimin was still trying to use me for his own pleasures, Sungmi still hated my guts, and Miyoung still hated her own guts.

"Why is this bathroom so filthy, Taehyung?" Jungkook asked me while we were cleaning the upstairs bathroom.

I sighed. "This bathroom is Jimin's one... no wonder it's disgusting," I mumbled.

We were talking for a bit, rambling on about school and work, and also about him. I managed to learn quite a lot about his family, and why he really needed a job. I felt sorry for him, seeing as he was the only primary source of income for his family, but then again, I could somehow relate to his struggles.

"So, what about y-" Jungkook was going to ask.

Just then, somebody slammed open the bathroom door and stormed in, their eyes filled with tears.

"N-noona? Are you okay? Did something happen?" I asked, panicked.

She didn't reply. Heck, she didn't even look at me. She just got on her tiptoes and threw open the medicine cabinet, her eyes desperately searching for something.

"Answer me, Miyoung!" I yelled. Jungkook stepped back, not really knowing what to do.

"Where is it, where did I put it? I can't find it..." she muttered to herself, her skinny fingers pushing through the mountain load of pills and medical drugs until she finally reached the back of the cabinet.

Miyoung was unhealthily skinny. She was extremely pale with huge, purple bags under her eyes and when she moved around you could see that she was pretty much only skin and bone at this point.

She refused to eat, using the lame excuse to Sungmin that she was 'on a strict diet', and when she did eat, she'd eat too much and throw it all up later. I know she thought that nobody has realised, and although this family was way too stupid to look at anything else other than themselves, I could see right through her lies.

I saw that she dropped what she looking for on to the floor. She swore under her breath and quickly tried to pick it up, but Jungkook swooped it up before she could reach it.

"Sleeping pills? Why do you need those?" he asked. "Are you an insomniac?"

I could hear her breathing roughly as she quietly whispered for him to give the pills back to her. She also grabbed a handful of other bottles from the cabinet, although I'm pretty sure she simply selected a random bunch of them without looking.

I knew what she was going to do, and I needed to stop her.

"Hey, Jungkook? Could you pass me those sleeping pills and please step outside for a minute?" I asked meekly as he handed them ove with a nod. "Thanks."

"Tae, give them back!" she hissed.

"No, Miyoung. Drop those other pills too, right now."

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