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POV: Jungkook
At first, I couldn't even believe that Kim Taehyung was capable of saying those three words, eight letters one after another and actually mean every syllable.

"No. You don't."

I didn't even know what else to say; I was totally speechless. I'm pretty sure I didn't have to say anything at all since my shocked face probably gave it all away.

"Yes, I do. I love you, Jeon Jungkook. I'll say it a million times over and over again until you finally get it into your head because I do. Really."

"N-no, you don't," I still refused to believe that the words coming out of his mouth were true. "You're just fucking with me again, playing with my feelings again... I'm not falling for it this time, Taehyung!"

"Please, stop being so stubborn!" Taehyung cried out. "How long is it gonna take for you to understand that I'm not joking? Why would I lie to you, Jungkook?"

I scoffed. "Why?" I couldn't even comprehend that question. "You must be fucking kidding me. All you've done is lie to me and use me and completely manipulate me for your own pleasures! You're a disgusting piece of scum, Kim Taehyung. I hate you and I hate everything you've done to me!" 

I was about to storm out right there and then when I felt his hand curl around my wrist, gripping on to it tightly.

"Let go, you fucking psycho!" I shouted harshly. My voice was starting to give up on me at this point. "Let me go before I scream the whole fucking house down!"

"Shout as loud as you want, but nobody's home so nobody'll hear. Just don't leave... Listen to me!"

"Why should I listen to you?" I looked him dead in the eye. "You have never given me a solid reason for me to ever listen to your filthy voice, so why should I?!"

I could feel my blood boiling under my skin, my anger bubbling about inside of me like a hot stew.

"I... Just hear me out, please. I don't like yelling, and I certainly don't like yelling at you. Jungkook, please, I love you. Don't leave me."

I picked my jacket off of the floor and grabbed my bag. "You're full of bullshit, you know that?"

"Please, ju-"

"I'm leaving. I'm sick of hearing this kind of utter bullshit from you. Goodbye, Taehyung."

I knew he didn't want me to leave, but he didn't try to stop me either. Perhaps he had just given up on trying to make me stay when I probably wasn't going to listen to him ether.

I should have stayed.
But I didn't.

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