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POV: Jungkook
"I didn't want to come here." I grunted, refusing to look at him.

"Well, you came here anyway so I don't see what your point is," Taehyung shrugged, moving away from the door. "Come in, then."

I saw that his normally pristine living room was scattered with dust, money and spilled drinks. Although I hadn't visited his place for only a month, it looked like Taehyung had neglected his house cleaning duties for years.

His appearance had somehow changed as well, as I noticed that his hair was frizzier and longer as it covered his forehead and the top part of his eyes. He seemed to have dyed his hair a lighter blonde, with brown highlights on his fringe.

He's a douchebag but he's hot.

"What are you looking at?" He asked, before seeing that my eyes were glued to all of the rubbish in front of me. "Oh, don't mind the mess, I'll have it cleaned sooner or later."

Since half of the lights in the mansion were off, Taehyung was given an eerie, yet sexy glow. His eyes looked completely black, as if he was going to turn into the devil any minute now, but they looked soft and gentle at the same time.

I don't know what had happened to him recently, but I had gotten more and more afraid of him, especially tonight. I was scared that he was going to take advantage of me and batter me up like an old toy, but of course that was to be expected from him.

Even though this wasn't him. The man standing in front of me, the man furiously tugging on my shirt collar, demanding me to pull it off, was not him. The man in front of me, the one slapping me when I refused to do as he said, was not the man I first met.

I was fucking frightened, but at the same time, I wanted to fight him back. Who was he to tell me what to do?

"What are you being so hostile for? You know exactly what I'm going to do to you tonight and you came here because you agreed to my business proposal. Don't act like I forced you into this, because I didn't, so you're going to fucking listen to me, understood?"

I didn't give him an answer. I just turned away and groaned, suddenly having second thoughts. I must've been going crazy if I could consciously make the decision to do this shit.

"If you're scared of my step-father seeing us, then don't be, because he's on holiday to the Maldives with his friends," he mumbled. "He ain't coming back for another week, so don't be shy." he leaned into my face ever so slightly, making me boil with both anger and nervousness.

I didn't want to be scared of him, but I had to admit, he made me feel really nervous. However, I absolutely despised the way he spoke, the way he could make even the simplest of sentences sound so sarcastic and bitter. He could tell me that I looked amazingly beautiful today and he would still make it sound like a horrible, offensive insult.

"Come on, talk! You can't stay silent like this," he growled, slapping me once again. "Do you want the money or not?"

"Fuck, fine," I muttered, letting his lips make contact with mine as I finally gave into him. "I'm yours."

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