Chapter 17

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Kira's POV
(The next day)
It's been one day since I took Emma back home. It's been one day since James and I kissed. Yesterday was Sunday. Today it's Monday. Which means Emma would be coming here for Company rehearsal. Which means I'd probably have to see James.

I couldn't stop thinking about him. How his lips felt on mine. What it was like to be held by him. I shake my head, trying to get that memory out of my head, but it's impossible.

It's currently 10am and as it's a Monday during summer vacation, I had Company meetings at 11am. I quickly got out of bed and got changed into this:

 I quickly got out of bed and got changed into this:

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I grabbed my keys and went out to my car. I drove to the studio with only 45 minutes until rehearsal started.
I got to the studio and unlocked the doors then went into my studio for the day and set things up. Then I went up to my office and dropped off the rest of my stuff. Then I went back down to my studio and started stretching, fully unprepared to face James. Or Emma for that matter.
It's currently 30 minutes until rehearsal is supposed to start and I hear the door open. Who could be here? My dancers don't usually show up until about 5-10 minutes before.
I stand up only to be faced with the last person I expected to see.
He slides his shoes off just outside the door, before walking in and closing the door. I look down and avoid eye contact with him. He walks over slowly and grabs my hand. I quickly pull it away and say,
"No. We can't. Emma will be in here any minute."
"So?" He says grabbing my hands again.
"She won't want me with her dad." I pause, looking down, "all the feelings I have for you need to be shut down."
I mentally face palmed. He smiles, which makes my heart melt, then he says
"You have feelings for me?"
"Well yeah. I don't kiss anyone for no reason."
"Well, what if I told you I have feelings for you too?"
"Then I'd tell you that it couldn't happen. Emma wouldn't like that very much."
"She actually would like that. She... uh... well... she saw us kissing last night." My eyes go wide when I hear this. But before I can say anything, I'm interrupted by James saying,
"She came down and asked if I had feelings for you and when I told her I did she fully accepted it. And she told me she would love it if we were together."
I blushed. Then I say,
"So you want us to be together?"
"Well, yeah. If that's what you want."
"I, um, I have rehearsal for a few hours so, just leave Emma here for that and when you come pick her up, I'll let you know."
He nods and smiles then he leaves.
Oh boy, this would be a tough decision.

Oh boy you guys. 3 chapters in one day. Wow. Oh yeah, and what do you think Kira is gonna decide? Big love ~Crystal

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