Hi, I'm Gabriëlle Kleinn. I'm 17 years old and I have one little sister named: Cathy, she's 15. I go to Northshore High togheter with my best friend Jade Parkinson. We're always together.
We're like twins, except she has orange hair and I have brown hair. And we don't wear the same clothes because that would be awful!
Let me tell you a bit about my school.
My school, as most schools around here, have groups. Or teams or whatever you wanna call it. We have The Basketballers which include the guys who play basketball ofcourse. We have The Cheerleaders, or as Jade and I call them, The Bratz. They're annoying, gossip about everything and everyone and ofcourse are all dating a basketballer because that's just how "it's supposed to be". We have the Drama kids, who love the theater. We have the Artsy Kids, who draw everything. Litterly everything. No exceptions, seriously everything. We have The Nerds, the A++++ people you know. Who score above average, or higher then is actually possible. The Band Geeks, who make music out of everything. The Weirdos, they don't need an explanation. The word says it all. The People With No Friends So Sit With Eachother (or the No Frienders, it's shorter) they don't really hang out with eachother, it are always different people. There's us, The Normal People. Our group is just the group who can talk with anyone and don't really have enemies. Oh there shure are people who don't like us, but they don't hate us. This group is joined by, me, Jade, Baylee and Kaylee (they're twins). We don't really hang out that much, but we're just good friends.
And then, there's Jason McCarter. He's kind of a popular kid. He's perfect, the way his hazel brown eyes look at people. The way his hair looks, slightly made messy on purpose. His laugh, which is so bright and honest and lights up everything. And he's so nice to everyone!
He. Is. Just. Perfect. The most beautiful human being to have ever lived.I never really talked to him, we say 'hi' to eachother in the hallway and that's kind of it. But hey it's better then nothing!
I live in Brooklyn, Brooklyn New York. This may sound weird but I live in an appartment next to my parents and my sister. It's because Jade couldn't live home anymore so I moved in the empty appartment next to my parents with her. It's the best thing to live with your best friend!!
But enough of the introduction.
My story begins in February.
On just a normal schoolday...

Mister Right!
RomanceGabriëlla Kleinn (Gabi) is living a normal life, she's just your average teenage girl. She goes to Northshore High together with her best friend, Jade Parkinson. And then there's Jason McCarter, the guy she likes. She plays hard to get. Maybe a litt...