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My original guilt for snooping was replaced with curiosity.

What do you do when you owe someone your life even though you didn’t want it and asking questions would be beyond disrespectful?

Do I thank him; buy him a present, go psycho bitch on him? My body was completely hidden out of sight behind an abandoned desk, slowly edging closer I glimpsed the departure of ‘Gem’ and Melody Rae.

Should I go up to him or listen to a child that unlikely knows what their talking about and run from him?

She was way to innocent to disown a family member in such a way which suggest what she was saying had truth behind it .Spending any more time with a gang member which could potentially threaten my life would we extremely idiotic, but what did I have to lose? Straightening my posture I walk over to Harry. His eyes glossed over he turns and gives me a devilish smirk and lightly smacks my arm .A laugh escapes my lips and I quickly bring my hand to my mouth to fade out the obnoxious sound.

“Happy to see me?” he asks

“Totally” I answer rolling my eyes at the complimented question.

“Um well, since it looks like you’re going to be immobilised I could help you home if you like” I suggest

“Whatever Elizabeth I can take care of myself but if you feel the necessity to spend more time with me go ahead” he smiles giving me more reason to roll my eyes .I sit back in the chair I previously sat in and wait whilst the nurse sees to his injury’s .I hadn’t noticed the darkening sky, 6pm maybe I follow the badly written signs and take a visit to café court and purchase two chocolate muffins and two coffees. Making my way up to Harry’s ward he is fully clothed with crutches under his arms .I hand him the coffee and muffin. It felt like I hadn’t eaten all day meaning I was not prepared to have a conversation allowing me to put full attention on eating.

A short while later Harry and I sit patiently at the bus stop .Helping him onto a seat the bus churns and rattles as it begins its journey into the night. We barely speak the whole journey until Harry gives me the nod to alert me we were almost at his stop. The air was icy cold and thick with fog, I had no choice but to let Harry take lead .I was taken by surprise when he led me into a Victorian house.”Fancy” a smirk.

Giving me the I guess shrug he opens the door.

Wow. Everything was immaculate and clean.

Analysing the house I hadn’t noticed I was still standing on the doorstep.

“Elizabeth you can come in” Harry points out.

“Oh sorry I was just surprised I guess” I mumble.

“Surprised” he asks raising his eyebrows.

“It’s just everything’s so clean” I reply.

“Do I look messy” he answered showing a string of aggravation.

I shake my head and help him in the first room .I could feel his eyes on my every movement sending a shiver down my spine ,I wasn’t scared it’s just it was a little weird.

“Since you’re in MY house and I’m on crutches because of you…” I hated the way he blamed me so casually although it was the truth it was my fault. Sucked into my train of thoughts I zone out the conversation

“Hello? I asked if you could help me in the shower”

“Oh um yeah okay sorry” I mumble

I hadn’t noticed him undressing in front of me; I scream and frantically cover my eyes .I could sense him smirking for my childish act. Keeping my eyes firmly shut I support his weight and help him to the bathroom.

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