Woodchuck Ward

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My head falls back smashing into the wall leaving a sickening crunch echoing round the room, just before I hit the blood stained floor large hands grip tightly against my fragile body. Every organ inside of me ached a damaged ache. I was beyond the clasp of insanity with the slightest string of hope left. Clenching my eyes firmly shut I hoped with all I was worth I would die right here in the protection of this young man. Because for once in my life I felt safe.

Harry’s Pov

A young female lay lifeless in my hands. Completely blind to the fact my lip lay between my teeth so tightly I could taste the metallic of my blood my head hang effortlessly whilst my eyes examined every inch of the young woman.  I was oblivious to the events which left her in this position but I was sure as soon as I found out who or what did this to her would be fucking dead. But I wasn’t sure the girl was completely innocent either so I decided against the idea.Snapping out of my selfish string of thoughts I needed to get her some medical help. Her clothes lay in numerous messy piles across the room but I was hesitant to dress her in the clothes she purposely tore of her skin.

Laying her softly on the ground I take of my t-shirt and jacket and place them on her body .The touch of my skin on hers made her flinch in her unconscious state. I needed to clean up this murder scene before taking her to the closest hospital. Wiping down the sink and the dried blood on the floor I place her items in her bag; picking up the blade I run it under cold water, wrap it in tissue and place it in my pocket she needed to stay away from it, yet it felt wrong the throw it away at least under my control she wouldn’t touch it again. Knowing this building inside out I hang her bag over my arm and her body over my shoulder and escape out the back. My car was parked at the back of the estate so I quickly made my way over to it. Unlocking the car I lay her across the back seats and retrieve a black blanket from the trunk to wrap round her.I then pull a shirt over my head. It wasn’t awfully comfortable for the young girl but it was the best I could do.I didn’t know anything about the girl not even her name would a hospital accept someone they had no information about?

Rummaging through her bag I find a bus pass. I had to squint to read the small letters

Elizabeth Hayes

February 2nd 1995

18. She was younger than I thought. Not that in mattered anyway. Texting Megan a work colleague, I notified her I was taking the rest of the day off. In the process Elizabeth’s phone started ringing, it felt impolite to answer her phone so I let it ring. I smiled as the Arctic monkeys began to play out of the device. Pulling into the parking lot of Regents hospital a moan escaped from the back of the car.

“Luke” she whispers gaining consciousness.

“Pl. Please don’t, it hurts I can’t” her voice cracks caked in fear.

“Um, babe...Elizabeth” I corrected myself.She backed away when she acknowledged the fact she was in a strangers car, a stranger who knew her name.

“Bus pass” I replied pointing towards her bag. Her immediate fear unsettling me.

“Please don’t fear me.I don’t mean to alarm you I’m Harry .Um I’m not sure what happened or if you remember but you were um... in the toilet” I continued. 

“Stop” she screamed cowering in the backseat slightly shamed had seen her in her most vulnerable state which explained her crazed mentality. She began to cry silently to herself.

My eyes widened as I looked at her arms

Covered in cuts. Her open wounds had stopped spilling blood.My eyes diverted to her own. A light shade of brown.I reached out to pull her wrists closer to me.At first she pulled away but with a quick nod of encouragement she allowed me to pull her closer.I wasn’t disgusted just hurt that anyone could inflict this sort of pain on themselves.

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