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Mason stood across the street. He hummed with new power, immortal. The word felt good on his lips. He hadn’t watched her die, he was too busy collecting his prize, but what came after was almost as sweet.

He father, rushing out, just as she breathed her final breath. His face stricken with grief, he was forced to transport her soul. Thanatos, the god of death, was unable to save his only daughter.

Next there was the human; he tried to wake her up. Covered in her blood, he tried to seal the wound, but it was too late. The other man, Morpheus, dragged him away, tried to placate the human, but he was met with sobs.

Morpheus intrigued him, Mason realized. His cousin had just died, but he stood there, expressionlessly, restraining her friend. The God of dreams looked up and met Mason’s eyes. Mason smiled a cold, heartless smile. He enjoyed Morpheus’s expression as he realized who Mason was. Calmly, Mason turned and walked away. No one followed him, and he never glanced back.

It seemed fitting that since he had killed her, he should take her power. He was no longer Mason, son of Hades; he was Mason, God of chaos.

There was one final stop he had to make. Whispering a prayer, he let his father transport him to the underworld. It was a simple trick; he easily melted through the earth into the hell below. He opened his eyes to see burning plains, the thick, sweet smell of agony, and the screams of lost souls.

She wasn’t here though, amongst the stupid humans. No, she was always so much more precious than that, even he would admit it.

When he arrived at the pit, he didn’t break his stride. Instead, he leapt of the edge, falling and falling until he landed hard at the bottom of Tartarus. This was the place where the lowest, the most despicable, were kept.

He heard the footsteps before he saw the girl. She came thundering at him, her face a mask of fury. He sidestepped and slammed her to the ground. She leapt up, but he grabbed her, her neck in a vice like grip.

“Don’t fight me and I’ll let go.” She glared at him. He sighed. “Fine, we’ll do this the hard way.” He smashed her head against the floor, hearing a sickening crack. She screamed.

“The best part about the underworld is that you can’t die. But,” He continued, placing a boot clad foot on her shin, “You can still feel the pain.” He slammed it down, hearing the bone snap. She sobbed.

“Are you ready to listen?” He asked in the same calm voice he always used. She nodded, silent tears painting her cheeks. He crouched down next to her.

“I want to bring you back. You have a gift, and I don’t want it to be wasted. I didn’t want to kill you,” he added, “But I had to. I needed immortality.”

She gasped for breath, and then choked out. “You want me to kill people for you?” He grinned.

“Yes! You understand.” She nodded, smiling.

“I understand completely, I’m one of a kind.” He nodded, pleased she had agreed so easily. He grabbed his wrist, a thin, grey mist curling around the limb, “So unique, I can kill gods.” He froze.

“What?” He asked in a quiet voice.

“You say you killed me, but I was already dead.” She sat up, face to face with him. “I’m the daughter of death, I don’t need life, I thrive on pain.”

“Just like me.” He forced out, the mist had made its way to his shoulder.

She cocked her head to the side, “Exactly. You made a mistake coming here, you should have stayed away.” The mist gathered at his heart, reared back, and slid straight into him. He gasped at the sudden cold. She opened her mouth, inhaling deeply, and Mason felt a tug from deep within him.

His eyes bulged and he fought for breath as the mist slowly curled out of him, trailing back into Havoc.

“What did you do to me?” He choked out.

“It’s a new trick, I call it soul sucking. Yours didn’t feel very good. There’s something deeply wrong with you.” He found himself unable to move. “I think I’ll go home after this.” She stated.

Then she leaned in, and did something he didn’t expect. She placed her dead cold lips on his. And he couldn’t breathe. He felt his blood freeze in his veins and his heart stop beating.

“Good bye Mason.” She said, then she stood up, and walked away into the shadows.

                                                          THE END

I hate when people kill the main character, so I added this. Asume what you want about the ending.

Thanks for reading! 

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