Chapter 15 - Part 2

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The sound of thunder echoed through his large office. He felt the vibrations through his chair and desk. Rain beat against the large windows behind him as the room flashed with light from the lightning.
All he could think about was Diana. There was no way she deserved the pain she was experiencing. But when he got custody of her his whole life would end up changing. It scared him to think about. Nothing was ever for certain in life, but he didn't want to leave the chances of being with Tessa. Soon though he would have a child to take care of. Was the house they lived in the best place to do that?

Luke stood to his feet and paced behind his desk. His brain was a tangle of thoughts. Relationships were delicate things, and had to be dealt with carefully. Tessa and himself had become more and more serious. But anything could happen at the arrival of Diana.

He needed to tell Tessa about her, but he wanted to make sure things were certain before he brought her into it. Maybe he made things complicated that shouldn't be. How was he supposed to handle something he had never handled before. Tessa deserved so much more then he is. She didn't see that, but it was the truth. Somehow she looked past all his faults, but was that a good thing or a bad thing? It was nice that someone could see him for more then his flaws. In the end though it could cause her to get hurt.

Luke knew inside he was a destructive force. He saw so much of his father in himself and it killed him. How was he supposed to give himself to someone when he was so broken. People say you are your  own worst enemy, maybe that was true. Ever since he could remember he would beat himself up over everything. His mother married Dan because she was pregnant, and look where that got her. In his eyes it was his fault she was dead.

Venessa never knew everything he went through, but she would always tell him that his mother loved him. Even if she loved him, it was his fault she ended up with Dan.
Luke leaned his head against the large windows as he watched the rain come down outside.

It was late and he knew he needed to get home. Luke grabbed his coat and walked out of the office. The building was empty and dark. No one was anywhere in sight until he reached the front desk. Luke didn't pay much attention to the security guard as he walked by. It was a common thing to see.
Once he reached his car he hopped in to escape the rain. To his shock and slight concern Tessa hadn't text him at all today. Was she upset or just busy? For a moment he wanted to text her, but he figured he would talk to her when he got home.


He brought the car to a halt and parked in front of the house. The first thing he noticed was Tessa's missing car. She must not be home, but where did she go? He got out of the car and approached the house. As he neared the front door he heard various noises. A uncomfortable feeling overswept him as he recognized it to be noises of pleasure. Slowly he took a step backward and then another. As he heard Nova's muffled voice call out Liams name he decided to turn and leave. He walked back to his car feeling disappointed that he wasn't going to be able to relax in his room anymore.

He sat in his car for a second trying to decide where to go. It was late and most places were closed. That thought worried him. If it was this late, where was Tess? He pulled out his phone and sent here a text.

Hey, kitty. Missed you today.

It didn't take long before she responded.

   Hey sexy. ;)

                              So where are you?

  I went to visit my parents.
Wish I could be with you right
Now. I don't feel too great and
Would love your soothing presence.

                     Well you'll be back tonight,

I don't feel like driving.

Luke felt himself sink at that. He missed having her near. And he wasn't sure how much longer she would stick with him. But he should probably be more concerned with her well being then his own selfish needs.

How sick do you feel?

                           I just feel sick. Maybe I
                             had to many cookies.

Want me to come get you?

                   Nah, I should be okay. Miss
                    you though. Is Liam Okay?
                    For the last few days he has
                 been rather quiet around me.

Luke felt uneasy. Liam had been acting distant and cold towards him.
It had been happening since the night Luke brought Tess home. He began to fear that Liam was angry with him. Luke leaned his head against the steering wheel. "Shit! God! why does everything have to be so screwed up!?" He felt angry with his life. It was one fucked up situation after another. Why did this always happen to him? It seemed like trouble and shit just followed him everywhere.

Everything was always complicated when it came to his life. Even the simple things would end up being screwed up in some way. He needed to tell Liam, but he wasn't sure if Tessa was ready yet. With every day that they didn't though, it would cause things to be worse.

Kitty, we need to tell them.

                         Ik. But I don't want Liam
                        to be angry.

He is going to be upset.
there isn't a way around that.

                      Yes ik, baby. I just wish he
                      Would be happy for us.

Ik, kitty. I'm sorry.

                 It's okay. I love you and thats
                  all that matters.

It's amazing how three little words could mean so much to him. How she could love him was still confusing to him, but she did. And he was really starting to believe he loved her too.

The lights in the house turned off and Luke wasn't sure if that meant it was safe to enter or not. But he was tired and it was could so he gave it a try.

As he approached the door for the second time he listened carefully. No noise was coming from the house. That was a good sign. He reached for the doorknob and turned it- opening the door he peeked inside. The house was dark and quiet. No one around. He walked in and closed the door behind him. As he made his way through the living room he noticed a earing stuck to the couch. One thing was certain, he was cleaning this place in the morning.

He made his way into his room and collapsed on the bed. The sheets still smelled like Tess and he breathed it in deeply. They had spent so much time together in here and he couldn't help but smile as he remembered each moment. He rolled over and saw some of her makeup on his pillow. Somehow he felt so alone in his own bed now. It was empty without her.

That night he had a hard time sleeping. He knew Tessa was not around and it was messing with him. What was wrong with him? He tossed and turned in his bed. So much of his time was spent staring at the ceiling thinking of her and wondering if she was feeling the same way right now. She effected him so much and she probably didn't even know it. Slowly she had made her way into his heart and he wouldn't be able to get her out. She consumed his thoughts and her taste was always on his lips. He had developed a need for her.

Giving up on sleep he got up and made his way to the living room. The sunrise was peeking through the windows. It had been a while since he had been up at this hour; it was peaceful.
But the peace was broken as his phone rang. The caller ID was Sarah. He picked it up and immediately got dressed and left.

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