Chapter 17

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Tessa breathed in the sweet smell of Luke that filled his room. Sadly she felt incredibly sick again this morning. She refused to open her eyes though. But as they were closed she heard Luke talking on the phone. Hearing one side of the conversation was odd, but this didn't sound like a business call.

"I'll be by this afternoon...... No.... I just want to wait for the right moment... yes I know..... how?..... Well I'll see what I can do when I'm there.... yes, yes of course..... do you think that's necessary...... It's just I don't want to abandon Liam..... okay, I'll think about it. I'll need to talk to Tess about it all very soon..... okay. Love you. Bye."

Talk to Tess about What? And who was that on the phone? What did he mean by "not wanting to abandon Liam"? She felt Luke kiss her forehead before he got out of the bed. A couple of yawns and moans left him as he exited the room.
Tessa opened her eyes and sat up almost panicked. What was going on with him that he wasn't telling Her? The panick Flip flopped her stomach and she felt the need to throw up. She jumped from the bed and rushed to the bathroom. Once again she found herself throwing up into the toilet. Things were starting to get scary. More and more she felt concerned that she would end up being pregnant.

She stood to her feet and washed up her face in the bathroom sink. Looking in the mirror she saw her reflection staring back at her. Who had she become these last few months? She had done nothing but lie to her brother and best friend. She let her passion take her over and now she is possibly in a big mess. A tear rolled down her cheek. Her whole life was changing so rapidly and she wasn't sure if she could handle it herself. A blurred image showed up behind her in the mirror. As her eyes focused she saw Nova.

"You okay girl?" Tessa smiled and wiped away the tear. "I'll be alright......" Nova turned her around and gave her a hug. "Can I do anything to help?" Tessa shook her head but then paused. She didn't want to do this alone. And she didn't want Heather to be with her. She needed a friend who didn't have a seemingly perfect life already.

"Could you come with me somewhere?" Nova nodded and grabbed her hand. "Sure thing I can. Where and when?"
"After breakfast. And I'll tell you when we get in the car." Nova looked puzzled but then nodded. "Hey a little mystery is always fun." Tessa didn't want to agree with that at the moment. She hated the mystery she was dealing with at the particular moment.

Nova left the room and Tessa began getting ready to leave. She wasn't going to trust a silly store bought test. It had to be for sure. So the clinic was the place to go.

Once dressed she walked out of her room and collided with Luke. "Hey kitty. Good morning." He said cheery. It was odd for Luke to sound so cheery to be honest. "Good morning to you too." Luke glanced around and then placed a loving kiss on her lips. It felt amazing and comforting. Maybe things would end up okay between them no matter the circumstance.  "I have news to tell you soon." He seemed conflicted as he said that. His face held joy and fear. It didn't make her feel calm. Fear gripped her. What was it he needed to tell Her?

"Okay." Was all she could get out. He gave her another quick peck before he walked off into his room. Tessa made her way to the kitchen and found Nova talking to Liam.  "Hey guys." Liam jumped out of his skin and stepped back from Nova. "Uh hi." He said as he ran his hand through his hair. Seriously. He still believes she has no clue.

"Nova you ready? I'm not hungry for breakfast myself." Nova nodded and walked out of the kitchen.  On her exit she gave Liam a glare. Obviously she didn't appreciate his actions of moving away like that.
"See you later bro." Nova didn't say a word to Liam as they left. No doubt she had him in the dog house now.

"He still doesn't believe I know about y'all, does he?" Nova sighed and nodded. "I hate having to be so private about all of this. Remember when life was simple and we just talked about everything with each other? Now everything is under the radar all the time." That statement made Tessa feel even worse about everything. How could she have kept lying to her friend all this time?

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