Jangjun - (Last Confession Pt 2)

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Jangjun's POV

I walk in the practice room with a sigh. It's been awhile since she leave us here. If only I could do something to stop her.

"Hey hyung. What's up?" Tag pat my shoulder and both of us walk in.

"Aigoo Jangtag couple in da house yow." Daeyeol hyung tease us and it just make me sigh even more. "Cheer up, Jangjun." I nod and we start our practise.

Her favorite song played and we dance in steps. This is our predebut's song, Sea.

Tears start flow out from my eyes when I remember the last winter we spend together.

Suddenly the song stop and all of us look at the one who stop the song. She is Soohyun who is Sooyoung's twin. "Stop it guys. You're hurting Jangjun now." Now, all of them look at me with curious eyes. I just smile but suddenly Soohyun come and hug me.

"You should take a week off and move on. She's not meant for you, Jun." I cry even loud and now everyone hug me.

Jaeseok hyung pat my head while Y hyung tap my shoulder to courage me. "Stop hurting yourself, Jangjun. We miss our cheerful Chicken Wing." Daeyeol hyung still hug me and slowly the pain disappear and I wipe my tears.

"That's her fav song and I can't stop thinking about her." I confess to them and they just keep quiet while give me their sorry eyes.

Our manager come in and just stand at the door with puzzled eyes. "What happened?" Daeyeol hyung stand up and walk to the manager and discuss something.

Soohyun and Jaeseok hyung in other hand keep flirting on each other. There are only Y hyung, Seungmin, Joochan, Jaehyun and Tag who stay with me while the others go out to buy some drink for us.

I can't give trouble to them just because of her. I can't do that. I should move on now because she's won't be with me anymore.

"Jangjun ah. Come here for a sec." I walk to manager hyung with my weak move. I just don't have any strength to move.

"You gonna have a week off. I think you should take a vacation or just rest at the dorm. Don't overcome yourself. I hope you will recover soon." He tap my shoulder and give me his sympathy eyes.

I look at Daeyeol hyung for explanation but he just grin. Gosh. What had he told Manager hyung until he give me a fucking week off?

"Thank you, hyung." He nod and ask Soohyun to take me home. "Let's go, Jangjunnie." Soohyun drag me out after say good bye to the hyungs and of course after she give a peck on Jaeseok's lip. Such a clingy girlfriend.

She even drove me home and volunteer to take care of me. I just follow her to the dorm and she suddenly disappear to the kitchen. I ignore her and walk to my room and get change before lay on my bed.

I start to fall in sleep but suddenly Soohyun come in with a bowl of chicken soup. "I'm sleepy, Hyunnie." I try to back to sleep but Soohyun poke my arm.

"You... Umm... Please eat first before you eat. Soo... I mean Jaeseok told me that you didn't touch any meal today." I look at Soohyun and she just look down when our eyes connected.

Why she act all shy like Sooyoung? She just make me miss Sooyoung even more. "I don't have any appetite today. Just go home, Soohyun ah. Your mom will worry about you." I try to convince her to go home.

"But... You should eat something first. I don't want you get sick. Soohy... I mean Sooyoung will sad if she know you're get sick." I look at Soohyun with my frown.

I put my hand on her forehead but she do not have fever. "Hey. What happened? You act like Sooyoung now and can you switch on the lamp? It's too dark in here and I don't want Jaeseok hyung misunderstand." Soohyun flinch before answer me.

"I... I... I'm sorry." She suddenly dash out and close the door and leave me alone here. Gosh. What happened to her?

She just make me miss Sooyoung even more now. I close my eyes and start to fall a sleep.

-After 2 hours-

I open my eyes when I hear someone open the door and now she switch on the lamp. "Sooyoung?!" I look at the girl who just come in and she just chuckling.

No. She is Soohyun. She wear Sooyoung's mask. "What do you want? It's not funny okay and don't wear Sooyoung's mask. You just make me miss her now." I warn her but she just laugh and walk toward me.

"Gosh, Jangjun. Stop being too sensitive okay. I'll act as Sooyoung so that you will recover soon. You had high fever now. Don't stress out okay? Just treat me like you treat Sooyoung. So that you won't miss her like hell." Soohyun explain but it's annoyed me when she fail in act like Sooyoung.

Sooyoung is a soft girl while Soohyun is a rough one. They can't be the same. "Don't do that again, Soohyun. I really thought you're Sooyoung." I sigh and lower my head. I miss Sooyoung now.

"But what if I'm Sooyoung?" I look at her again and she slowly open her mask. I gasp when the girl in front of me is not Soohyun but my love, Sooyoung.

"Soo... Sooyoung? Sooyoung?!" I keep repeat the same word and she just nod. Yes. She is my Sooyoung. My Kim Sooyoung!

I hop out from my bed and hug her tight. "I miss you, Sooyoung. I miss you. I thought you're die. I thought you had leave me alone. I thought..." I can't help but crying out loud.

She caress my back and giggle. "I'm sorry, Jangjun. I miss you too. I'm sorry for hide from you." Then both of us look at each other eyes. Those eyes that I fall for since I'm 13.

"What happened? You're my Sooyoung right? Youre not Soohyun right?" I ask her and she nod. So the one who convince me to eat is Sooyoung and not Soohyun?

That's why she do not want to switch on the light. That's why she act shy. But she should...

"Tell me what happened after the accident? I thought you're die. Soohyun said..." I look out and found Soohyun hug Jaeseok while watch both of us in the room.

Soohyun make a V sign and take Jaeseok out from my sight. "It's a long story but I'm sorry for hide from you this 5 months. It's hard for me too to not meet you." I hug her waist and make her closer to me.

"Now make it short." I look into her eyes and I found love in it. Her birthmark still there and it's look beautiful on her. It's what make me fall for her.

She smile before answer my question. "Actually I got amnesia last 4 months and Soohyun try to hide me from you because she do not want you get hurt. She lock me in the house and help me to remember everything back. Golcha also there for me to make sure I'm fully recover from my amnesia so that I won't disappoint you when we meet again. I'm sorry for not meet you earlier. I heard from the others that you always get sick. Oh and I'm sorry because I fall for Sungyoon oppa when I got amnesia but don't worry. It won't last long since I remember who is my love. Soohyun also had brought your dairy and I had read it. I don't know you're suffer a lot because of me. I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry. " I look at her with a frown while my brain keep processing her words.

She keep say sorry and it make me feel annoyed so I press my lips against her. At first she do not reply my kiss and when I want pull back, she kiss me back. She put her hand around my neck while I hug her waist.

How much I miss her and this is miracle to see her here. Her touch make me calm and the pain in my heart start disappear along with my bad memories. I should thank Soohyun for all of her help.

"I love you, Kim Sooyoung." I confess and she just smile. "I love you too, Lee Jangjun. Oh and I forget to say this to you." I look at her with my curious eyes.

"You look so ugly when you're crying." She wink and stuck out her tongue before run out from my room.

I chuckle before catch her and I can see everyone in the living room with an evil smirk include Soohyun. "I hate you guys!" I shout and it make everyone laugh out loud.

I smile and say thank to god for my happy ending. No. It's not an ending. It's happy beginning. Yes. The beginning of my life.


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