12. Biće noći / 12.The creature of a night

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U tami skrovito stvorenje traži noćni obrok uz čašicu nektara i ples šarenih plesačica.Ovaj leptir je veličine prsta,izbjegava sunce,ima veliku surlu i leti poput kolibrića-neprekidno mašu krilima.


Shy creature in a darkness looks for a meal with a cup of nectar and dance of lovely,colorful dancers.This butterfly is size of a finger,do not like sun,has a big trunk and fly around as humming bird-flaping with it's wings non-stop.

Ne mogu vam pokazati koliko je brz jer ovdje ne mogu staviti video no jako je brz tako da vam predstavljam najbolje od 40.


I cannot show you it's speed cause wattpad does not support homemade videos but it's really,really fast so I'm representing you the best from 40.

I cannot show you it's speed cause wattpad does not support homemade videos but it's really,really fast so I'm representing you the best from 40

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NAPOMENA!Ova slika je poprilično dobre rezolucije-stavite je za pozadinu ako želite.

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