Tension breaks

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AN: I'm back!!Never had THIS many comments on a chapter before !!

strawberry3280L:  i dare L to heartbreak light again and light to call ryuzaki to honey bun. also i dare ryuzaki to call light a stupid poptart

thunderwolf_wolfy: I dare for Light and L to go on a date

(you lose Misa you lose and you will see what has been hiden from you for so long then when you do, you see the dark and say goodbay to the light and to your life)

I'm sorry that it got a little out of hand

JJ : Light's needs to calm down. I understand, I said you CAN NOT BE together, but I did say that I like you, so it's not a total loss.

Light, why are not you taking advantage of lips on your own?!

After this, Idk what kind of dare to give. But I would like to explain it fully. To actually admit that he does not just like Light, he loves him, and that he does want something, but if Light is confident in his innocence, then they can postpone the official relationship so they can work better on the case and that can also I would like to encourage you to work harder to finish the case. On that same vein, we can have Light not be Kira for the love of death gods!

If Light is going to the hospital, I would still like it to admit it all, regardless. In fact, perhaps this could be a sort of "life is short why wait, let's date" thing. He can also show he's really cares by being there for Light, helping him and taking responsibility for his wellbeing.

Basically, lots of love and no Kira, haha.


You wicked, wicked author ... Did you honestly do what I just thought you did?! You did this on purpose! You deliberately used one of the Dares to further the LX Light plot along! You totally milked it, and used the dare of, Light drowning his sorrows with a friend's night out to your advantage! Admit it! Not that I'm complaining though! Quite the opposite actually! I applaud your scheme! I have a sneaky suspicion of who the random number, Light called was. Poor, L Lawliet was feeling rather guilty already, and now he has to face the consequences of his actions while meeting, Light at the hospital .... Things are getting interesting !!! I wonder how much guilt the 'great L' can handle before it wears him down! I have dare for you, L! I know you can NEVER refuse to dare! You hate to loose, and by refusing said dare, you would definitely be giving in to defeat! This dare is frightening; are you ready? I dare you to remove the carefully crafted walls you are so diligently in place around your heart, and allow yourself to FEEL emotions freely without restraint for 24 hours! If you refuse this dare, you admit defeat! Have fun, lol !!! 

(Authors Note: Yes I admit it, I used the comment to further the plot!* Evil laugh *)

OtakuChan22: I dare L to get over himself and just DATE LIGHT ALREADY 

cookies11564: YAY, U FINALLY UPDATED 

Dare for L: I dare u to apologize to Light, and ask him to date you.

generalackerman: Who did light call and I dare L to apologize to Light and tell him hiw he truly feels(no lying only the truth)


AN: Firstly I'm sorry for the wait. Secondly I'd like to shoutout to thunderwolf_wolfy. Who messaged me a while back, and they completely made my day. It made me realize that I owe all of you lovely readers so much! You have no idea! I wish I could give you everything, but I guess this crummy note will have to do.

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