chapter 16

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i scream and flail while the joker's henchman straps me to the table. the joker strides in, followed by a less sure-looking harley quinn.

the Joker picks up a flamethrower and grins at me. "i thought i'd give you a little break as a treat for being so clever. while you wait, enjoy these soothing sounds." he motions to a pair of speakers; when he turns them on, i realize they're a live feed to the cell. the boys' screams pierce my ears.

when the clown leaves the room, i focus with everything i've got and manage to build up a little rain cloud over my head, giving me just enough energy to yank the straps off of the table. i don't bother taking the straps off; there's not a second to waste.

using the sound of jasons' screams, i find my way back to the cell and camp out until the joker makes his way back towards my empty holding room.

once I've got both of them, jason flies us out of there. we fly for about half an hour, then find a rooftop in what i recognize as central city. after some reassurance of each other's own safety. jason flies home, leaving me and jay.

"you okay?" he asks warily.

"i hope. we're in central city. i know my way to wally's from here." he takes out a grappling hook. i jump on his back piggy-back style, and we swing to the west abode.

"this better be good—OH MY GOD PERCY WHAT HAPPENED?" wally screams at the sight of us.

his parents come rushing downstairs at the sound of the shouting. they immediately lead us to the bathroom to clean our wounds while wally calls dick.

five minutes later the door swings open, revealing my livid boyfriend. He walks straight up to jay and says, "talk." jason starts to speak, but i cut him off.

"joker got us. again. took us and my cousin, but we got out before it got to be too bad." his features immediately soften and worry clouds his face.

"i'm so sorry i wasn't there, percy."

"can we go home?"

after thanking wally and his family, we zeta back to the cave, where i immediately find the nearest empty bed and crash. a few of my teammates linger in the kitchen, but i just head straight to bed, beyond worn out.

when I wake up, i immediately feel a presence in my room. i jump up and pounce on the figure while uncapping riptide. i relax when i realize it's just dick.

"sorry," i say sheepishly, holding my hand out to him, helping him to his feet.

"fiery. i just wanted to tell you the news. there's a new team member, his name's hotshot. and no making fun on him, okay? he's invited to the christmas party on saturday, too. by the way—"

"hold on. let me process this. hotshot. archer. sensitive. party." i hold up my hand while i let it sink in. "we're having a team party?"

"yep. After all, christmas is in three days. also can you come to bruce's on christmas? we're each allowed to bring a date."

i nod. "wait, i haven't gotten anyone a present! get out. i'll meet the new guy later," i say frantically, shooing him out of the room.

i sit on my bed and call annabeth. "hey, wise girl. i need a favor....."

after a few calls and a couple more bribes, i have gifts for my friends. 

now for dick's present. to be totally honest, i've had his present planned for, like, ever. i took art classes with rachel at camp, so i made a huge painting. i also took one of his old birdirangs and carved i'll love you forever, wonder boy into it. obviously this is slightly out of date considering his change in persona, but i think it'll hit the mark regardless. i'll probably give him my gift when we're at bruce's, so i decide to just make him a card for the team's party in two days. 

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