Impulse x Reader

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You and the rest of your crew, Jaime, Garfield, Tim, Cassie, and Bart, were sitting in the living room at the tower, watching a movie. You were watching Nerve. Tim's idea.

It was actually pretty good.

The tower had an "L" couch. Tim and Cassie were cuddled up on one side, Jaime and Garfield to the right of them. You and Bart were under a blanket, stretched on the long side of the couch.

You two had a weird relationship. You two constantly flirt but it's not like you would ever date. You're just friends.

You were focused on the movie, when something jabbed your side. You flinched and giggled. Bart kept tickling you. You pried his hands off you and whispered, "Stop." He smiled back at you. "Why?" You rolled your eyes, but smiled. "Because that tickled." He just quietly laughed.

About twenty minutes later you were under his arm, cuddling while watching the movie.

Bart's phone dinged.

You couldn't see who texted him.

"Jaime." Bart called out.


"Fuck off." Bart said, chuckling. Jaime chuckled too.

You looked at Bart questioningly. "What's happening?" Bart just looked at you and shook his head, "nothing." You raised an eyebrow, but let it go.

A couple minutes later, your head was on his chest, and he was playing with your hair.

Bart's phone dinged again.

He picked it up and you saw it this time.

J: OMFG just kiss her already.

B: it's not like that.

J: 🙄

B: what?

J: everyone knows you like her. It's painfully obvious.

"Shut up Jaime."

Jaime just laughed it off.

Bart put his phone down, not knowing you saw it. He probably thinks you're asleep. He continues to run his finger through your h/c hair. You nuzzle your face deeper in his chest, wrapping an arm around his waist.

You wait a couple minutes before turning your head up to face him. He looks back down at you. "You okay?" He whispers. You nod. "What?" He whispers again. You briefly glance at his lips. Finally mustering yo the courage you whisper, "So... are you gonna kiss me or not?"

His bright green eyes widen slightly, clearly shocked. "W-what do you mean?" You swallow hard, "I saw your texts..."


A moment passes. "So... are you?" Bart smiles deviously before leaning in. His free hand goes around your waist. You moved your hand from his waist, to his neck.

This continued for about two minutes before his phone dinged again. He groaned and pulled away. He opened the text.


B: you interrupted asshole.

You pulled away from Bart, embarrassed they saw you.

Bart's arm tightened around you. "Where do you think you're going?" He said teasingly. You looked anywhere but him. "I was going to go to my room..?" Bart chuckled, "Why?"

You shrugged. "I'm embarrassed."

He slid two fingers under your chin, making you look at him. "Again, why?" You rolled your eyes. "You know why!" You whisper-yelled.

"Because of this?" He said, before crashing his lips onto yours. You kissed back immediately. He pulled away too soon. "Why'd you stop?" You whispered. "Because it's embarrassing." He teased. "Shut up."

And with that, he sped you away, to your room where you could be alone.

A/N: take that ending as you will. It might not be smut but it could be 😏

Anyways. I know I haven't updated in a LONG time! But I recently moved to a knew school and I've been a bit preoccupied. So yah.

Feel the aster ✌🏻

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