Impulse x Reader

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Y/N: your name
N/N: nick name
O/B/N: older brothers name
L/B/N: little brothers name
This one shot contains a more mature theme (not in the dirty sense) please know your limits.

You sat at the counter at Mount Justice, watching M'gann cook. She was making chocolate chip pancakes, bacon, eggs, and a fruit salad for breakfast. You were sitting there, practically drooling.

You were starving.

"Good morning, N/N!" You smiled to yourself, "Good morning, Bart." You said as he sat down. He was the only one who called you N/N. "Smells good." He gushed. You nodded in agreement. Sure you had a big appetite, but it was nothing compared to his.

"Breakfast!" M'ganan called. The rest of the team filed in. You and Bart stacked your plates with a little bit of everything.

"Thanks M'gann!" You said before digging in. Bart mumbled a response since his mouth was already full.

After breakfast and a day of training, you checked the time.

5:00 pm.

"Crap!" You quickly ran out the door. "Y/N?! What's wrong?" You looked to see Bart following you. "I'm late to pick up my brother." You called. "Bye!" You ran away, to the day care your little brother was at.

He was only three years old, so he needed you or your older brother, O/B/N, to pick him up. Today was your day.

You make it there at five thirty. You walk into the room he's in and pick him up. "Y/N!" He runs to you and hugs you. "Hi L/B/N! Ready to go?" He nodded and got his things. You held his hand and started your two and a half mile walk home.

You lived in the "bad" part of Central City. You weren't rich. You were border line poverty.

You lived in a small brick house you and O/B/N had to pay for. Your dad had walked out on you two years ago, and your mom became a pill popping drunk.

You picked up your brother, since he was complaining about his feet hurting.

Bart Allen's POV

I followed Y/N around, stealth mode though. I was in a t shirt and jeans, trying to blend in.

She had picked up a little boy from daycare. Maybe her brother? Hopefully. They had been walking for half a mile now.

She picked him up, his feet must've been hurting.

I followed them down the streets and eventually to a not so good neighborhood. She made a right and ended up at a small, thing brick house. It had black metal stairs leading to the white, dirty looking door.

She pulled out her keys and opened the door. She set the boy down and closed the door.

Is this where she lives?

Seven hours later, 12:30 am.

I sped back to Y/N's house. I passed drug dealers and hookers on the way. I ignored them, my only mission right now is to see if Y/N is okay.

I knocked on her door. I heard light footsteps and the squeaking of a door. "Bart?!" She gasped. "Hey."


"I followed you."

Second person POV

Your jaw dropped in shock. "You...followed me?! Why? Why would you do that?!" You almost shouted. "I wanted to see you-"

You opened your mouth to speak, but he cut you off. "Before our next mission." You closed your mouth.

It was silent for a moment.

"Why?" You mumbled. "Because... I like you."

You shook your head. "You shouldn't." You said, firmly. "Why not?" He asked in shock. "Y/N, I like you."


"I do!"

"Well stop!" You yelled. "I'm not worth it! I'm not good enough to like!" You yelled again. Bart just stared at you in shock. "N/N-"

"Please Bart, just stop." You said, softer. "Why did you say that? That you weren't good enough..." He mumbled, looking into your eyes. You took in a deep breath. "I'm messed up, Bart. Someone as good as you doesn't deserve someone messed up like me." You looked into his bright green eyes.

You liked him too, but your life was a burden he shouldn't have to help you carry.

"N/N, you're not messed up."

"My life is."


"My moms a pill popping drunk, my dad walked out two years ago, my older brother is only home when I can't look after L/B/N, my mom got pregnant again, but this time she's keeping them. Yes, them. Fucking twins. And I know I'll be the one taking care of them. I'm too young to be raising kids!" Your voice broke at the end.

Bart just looked at you in shock. He had no idea your life was like this.

"I-I'm barley making a living. I'm the only one who works... Legally. O/B/N sells drugs occasionally but it's so rare. I'm only a part time waitress. We're barley over the poverty line." You continued.

"Y/N! Baby! I'm home!" Your mom called from the kitchen. Your eyes watered. "I don't know how much more I can take."

Bart quickly wrapped you in a tight hug. You cried into his shoulder.

"You know I'm here for you right?" He said, rubbing your back. You nodded. "Yeah."

"I still like you, N/N."

You smiled.

"I like you too."



I'm thinking of doing a YJ boyfriend scenarios/imagines book but idk.



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Stay crash 👌🏻

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