Blue Beetle x Reader

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Had inspiration for Jaime sooooo

Warning ⚠️ a lil scandy... 😏 it's not full on smut though. Just risqué.

Your POV

"Jaime I need you!" You called.

Your door opened revealing Jaime. "What do you need?" You winked. "You." You said, seductively. "Cut the crap Y/N, what'd you need." You sighed. "You're no fun. Anyways, I need help with my training." You looked at him with puppy eyes. "Why didn't you ask Nightwing?" He asked. You shrugged, "I'm closer to you than him."

He nodded. "Okay, when?"


In the training room

"I can't get it right!" You complained. "Sure you can! Just keep trying." Jaime encouraged. "Again." He ordered. You rolled your shoulders and lunged at him. Nothing happened. He had you pinned in two seconds. "This is useless."

Jaime just laughed. "Lets take a break." You nodded. The two of you walked over to the benches and got some water.

You looked to you left, where Jaime was, because you thought of something funny. There he was, shirtless, sweat glistening making it worse.

Oh my god. Abs.

"Y/N?" He asked, snapping in front of you. "Hm? Oh!" You jumped back into reality. "Hi..." you said trailed off, sheepishly. "Hi." Jaime mimicked your tone. "You alright?" You nodded. "Yes. Lets get back to training?" He nodded.

"Okay, remember head down use your force to know me down. Throw your whole body into it." You nodded. Lunging you finally knocked Jaime down.

A shock looked washed over you as you stared at him. You sat up on his stomach. "Yes! I did it!" You cheered. He laughed. He sat up, forcing you to move to his lap. "Good job!" He praised you.

You blushed realizing the position you were in. "Sorry, I'll move." You said, beginning to get up. Jaime's hands caught your waist, keeping you where you were. "No it's fine."

You looked at him. "It's fine?" You asked. He nodded, "one hundred percent." You smiled.

Next thing you knew, he was leaning in. You leaned in too.

Your lips moved in sync. Your arms went around his neck, his arms tightened around your waist, pulling you closer to him.

You could feel something poking your inner thigh. You smiled against his lips.

Hesitantly, you moved your hips, grinding against his arousal.

He pulled away, "God, Y/N," he said, his voice holding lust. You smiled. "Don't you think we should move somewhere more private?" You purred. He nodded, "Definitely."

Without warning, he lifted you up. He walked through the halls, to your room.

He sat down, you still on top of him.

We'll just say the night ended happily.

Young justice x readerWhere stories live. Discover now