Setos POV
"One hot chocolate" she says "that's me" I stand up and got the drink "thank you miss" I say and I sat back down "so worth waiting for" I take a sip "mm yum" I say and I almost finish it "Jimmy bro, we're here" Taylor says "I'm not going till I finish this" I say "I didn't wait 30 minuets for it" I chuckle "fine" Erica says.
We got of the ship and we were the last of, we walk to Taylor's car and I spot and abandond 3 legged dog "aww poor thing" I say stopping making Erica stop too and look she contiuse walking to the car and I go over to the animals cage "sir who left this fella?" I ask the buff man "um a guy that got arrested for doing this to it so Tinkabell here has no home" he says "I could take him" I say "but can I change his name, Tinkabell doesn't sound like a good name" I say "sure your in charge of no name now" he smiles "I think I will name him Oscar" I say "Oscar it is" he gives me the cage, food, bowl, lead and Oscar "thank you" I go over to the car "hey guys meet Oscar" I say and he licks my leg.
We drive over to the uni in LA, we're in LA with a 3 legged dog in a red sports car with 2 other people how crazy, we park into the campus and I go to the office "can this dog stay in my room and may I please have my time table?" I ask "yes the dog can stay, name?" She asks "Jimmy Sorcerer" I say smiling shyly "you are room 173 with Tyler Lox, Jason Stokes, Sophie Hargrave, Dimity Smith-ton, Brooke Elkon and Mitchell Hughes, here's your key don't lose it, here's your time table you can photo copy it in the library, have a good day Mr Sorcerer" she smiles "thanks" I say putting Oscar on a lead and taking the key and time table.
Oscar and I go to Taylor's room to drop off Oscar.
I walk up to room 173 and I walk in "aw Mitch come on give it back" a girl with brown hair and blue eyes says she has green dip dyed tips and who I assume is Mitch was holding up a phone "not a chance biggums" he says "uh hi?" I say quietly "oh you must be Jimmy" the girl says "ye-yeah" I stutter "well I'm Dimity the Princables daughter" she smiles "Dim Sim where's the chips" a blondy says her hairs is so blond almost white "Brooke that jokes getting old you've said that ever since grade 6" Dimity says "oh well, hey who's the brown hair?" She asks "uh Jimmy" I say "ok SOPHIE, TY, JASON JIMMYS HERE!" She yells then there's a knock on the door and Mitch opens it to revel a guy that has glass "do you mind Brooke I'm trying to find out 27➗3✖️22➖77➕439" he snorts "well nerdy Nicky our new room mate arrived so calm down" Mitch says "it's not Nicky it's Jakolandon" he snorts "so what now GET OUT," Mitch yelled.
The nerd guy got out and left and a girl and 2 boys came in "hey I'm Tyler but call me Ty" a guy says "nice" I say "I'm Sophie" she says "cool" I say "I'm JASON with an O not an E" a cheerful boy says "I'm Jimmy" I say and I walk over to room 169 and knocked on it "hey Jimmy Timmy!" A guy answers "hey Taylor Tomato can I have Oscar?" I ask "sure, he was whining without you" he says "ok thanks" I take Oscar and I go to my room "awwww!" Everyone says "this is Oscar" I say then the door swings open "Mitch tell Adam I didn't eat his BUDDER or GOLD" a guy yells "gasp* he used the G word! Everyone knows it's budder" a curly haired guy says "nah uah" they argue "excuse me could you not fight its worth nothing" I say "fine" the guy says "I'm Jerome and this duch is Adam Dalghbishshj" Jerome says "it's Dahlberg mister Ancheng" he snaps "it's Aceit" he says "guys stop" Sophie says.
I unpack and I sit on my bed
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