Won't stop

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Sorry I haven't updated in a really long time like I said I would, I've been busy and I didn't know how to update on a mobile device lol. This story has 97 views and 5 votes and a few people have added this to their library which is great! Thank you. I'm continuing this story due to the positive feed back and I might update more often since I have Spring Break. I think I'm going to make this story all about Lauren's Diary entry's and it will all make sense at the end (I have a little something planned out).


Lauren's diary entry:

I feel weak at times, lonely, sad and miserable. It's been what now? A full year since we uploaded a selfie together? I miss the small brunette in my embrace, when we could show our love and affection, before everyone took it way too far. Management may have separated us by force, but they can't expect me to stop loving her right? I won't stop loving her, I simply can't. Management has given me two options:

1- they hire a fake boyfriend for me and I have to act like I like him


2- I find a boy from home and have him be my boyfriend.

Both choices are awful but I went with choice two. There is this boy back in Miami named "Luis", he's not a bad looking guy either, he's just not camz. Management stated that I had to show affection for him or at least try. If Camren drama was to occur, I had to upload a selfie of Luis and I. It's sketchy but that's how it works. I remember when we just started working with the management team and how excited I was. Now, I can hardly stand to be in the Same room as our managers and label workers. Camz is moving on, I can see it in her eyes, the way she looks at Austin. He's a really lucky guy, not just because he has the most beautiful girl to himself, but because he can show her the love that she truly deserves. Something that I can no longer show her. I hope she's happy, I wish her the best, I really do. However, I would be lying to myself if I said it doesn't hurt to see her smile when he texts or calls her. I wish that was me, the one who could put that award winning smile on her face. But, it can't be me and it will never be me because of management. My heart is slowly braking but no one notices, not even the one who once promised me that she will always wait for the day that we can be together properly and happily.


End of Lauren's diary Entry.



Hey guys hope you liked this, if you didn't I'm sorry. Like I said, I might be updating a lot more this week! There is a lot of Luis and Lauren drama involving camren shippers at the moment. I am sure Lauren doesn't intend to sound rude but it comes across that way. Camila drama also occurred, supposedly she was rude to fans and she looked sad? She seemed fine today though. I hope both girls and all the girls for that matter are happy and healthy. Also if you guys want to, you could like the instagram page @camrenstylinson , a page hosted by my friend Maria and I. We just started. Thank you so much and remember to vote and comment :) I love you all.

~Jaquelin xx.

You and Me with Managment in between (camren)Where stories live. Discover now