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Hey readers, I'm really sorry that I suck at updating. I had a really good idea on how this story would flow but due to my absence for a long time, I completely forgotten. I will try and make the story end in an interesting way, I think I only remember a partial part of my plan before. Anyways, how are you guys doing? Thanks for waiting I hope you enjoy this update, if you don't as always my apologies.

Lauren's Diary Entry:

The day I thought would never come, came. Tears rushed down my face as I dropped my phone and ran to the bathroom. I could hear 3/5 of the band members banging on the locked bathroom door and shouting my name. I couldn't let them in and help me even though that's all I really wanted. That was possibly the only time the smaller girl has ever made me this much of a wreck. Her text consisted of a few short words. "I think it's best if we move on from each other, it can't happen", those words flooded my mind over and over again, Why? What have I done? I loved her endlessly and whole heartedly. "Management" is the only word that came out of my gritted teeth. I was now flaring with anger and stormed out of the locked room. I looked around the hotel room and noticed all the girls were patiently waiting for my appearance, I noticed the brunette I was looking for wasn't their and with that realization, I stormed off to her hotel room. I banged on the small brunette's door with so much anger until she finally opened it. Almost instantly I rushed in and looked her dead in the eyes as I prepared for my speech. "Camila, it was manag-" was all I could get out when the smaller girl interrupted me.
"Lauren, this isn't about management if that's what you're implying. This is me trying to tell you, that it's time to move on. There's no point in waiting for each other anymore. We can't be together and we can't be happy. For crying out loud Lauren we can't ever be a thing. We just have to face the fact that we're never going to be allowed to express our love for each other. It's time for us to go about our day without eachoth-"
Now it was my turn to interrupt and I raised my husky voice, " it's Austin isn't it? You're in love with him aren't you?".
I didn't want an answer, I couldn't accept it but my eyes couldn't tear away from her precious face. My fear became a reality when the brunette slowly nodded her head. "Bye Lauren" were the last words that I heard her say as i stormed out of the room and slowly made my way into the hallway. As soon as I shut the door, I leaned my back against her room, feeling so heart broken and incapable of moving. Tear rushed out of eyes as I spoke through my shaky voice "Even if you don't love me anymore, I'll always love you. Always. I just sat there desperately grasping the concept that the love of my life finally gave up on me, on us.

Well, to be continued... Hope you guys liked this chapter, it's rather emotional and I think the next chapter is going to be up by tomorrow or so. I want to update as much as I can since so many enjoy this story. I hate when some of my favorite fan fic authors don't update when I really want to know what's going to happen next, so It wouldn't be fair to due it you y'all. As always take care and have a wonderful day/night and make sure to vote/comment if you can. It would mean a lot. I love you all!


You and Me with Managment in between (camren)Where stories live. Discover now