(Btw, this is not canon to the real story line. It will have the same characters, but the story happens after the Witherstorm incident. It's basically in Season Two. Also, follow becca4leafclover . She was the one I was inspired by to write this. If you go on her roleplay book, you can find a chain that I made for Minecraft Story Mode, and I loved it! It's kinda like that. Thank you so much, Becca!)
People..... an endless sea of people is all Miana saw.
How the day had begun. First, Soren asked her to go get potions from Ivor, and then this. A parade in the middle of town. How wonderfully terrible for her.
The potion shop was on the other side of the people, and right now, she wasn't getting through there.
She decided to weigh her options, and stealing won. So, she made her way through the crowd as a blonde was walking through and trying to get to her. "Excuse me? Ma'am? You aren't supposed to be here. You have to leave." He urged her, but she didn't stray from her path.
When she got through, she quickly grabbed three potions and bolted away from the shop, this time following the sea of people.
"Hey! Get back here! Lukas, someone in a hood just stole my potions!" A gruffly voice yelled as the blonde got through the crowd and nodded, chasing after the runaway thief.
Once the girl had made it past the parade and into the forest, she hid behind a big oak tree while the blonde stalked her, looking around every tree.
"Look, just give those potions back. The belong to my friend, and he won't like that you stole from him." Lukas said as the girl spoke for the first time since this morning.
"No. You have no idea what I need them for. Someone needs them more than him." She growled and came out from the tree, holding her sword in hand.
Lukas aimed his bow at her, having an arrow ready to fire. He didn't want to hurt her, but if she wouldn't give the potions up, he would be forced to. Jesse wouldn't like him hurting someone, but it had to be done.
The girl looked over him, seeing his run-down armor and helmet. All to keep up the act of a hero, she thought. She knew about the order, and she knew that Lukas was one of them. She had watched all of their adventures, been there for every one. The mansion, the temple, the sky city, the computer city, all of it. Even the games with the old builders. She had seen everything.
"You won't be getting away with those potions. Don't want another witherstorm coming or some other monster wrecking everything in the world. So why don't you hand over the potions before I'm forced to hurt you?" He asked as she sighed and nodded. "Fine." She mumbled before throwing the potions to him.
"Take them. It's not like I need them anyway." She rolled her eyes and was about to leave before Lukas stopped her. "Wait, who are you?" He asked. The girl took off her hood, letting her long black hair fall to her waist. Her hair may have been black, but clearly, some teal strips were in it as well. Also, her sword was an enchanted diamond one. Suspicious as ever.
"Miana. Sorry I took your friend's potions. I needed them for something." She apologized. Lukas was conflicted. What should he do? Should he give her the potions, or should he make her pay for them?
The hard decisions in life sometimes aren't even yours to make. Sometimes, the hard ones are from those you care about, or those you soon will care about.
Next episode....
"You never knew, did you?" She asked Jesse, looking over at him from the corner of her eye. She was angry that he had called her best friend and 'boss' a coward. How dare he!
"What do you mean?" Jesse retorted, seeming slightly wavered by her reaction to his statement, but it was true! He was a lier and a faker! The whole order was!
"You don't know what happened the day you came to Soren's fortress in search of his F-bomb? Well, let me spell it out for you."

Something Special Between Friends (MCSM)
Fanfiction"No....... Sky please don't leave me like this....... I love you more than anything in this world." Miana whispered softly to the baby wolf in her lap. Sky did nothing by look up at her and whimper, his injuries only getting worse. Miana knew with...