A new day

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Baekho's POV

I heard Ren scream so I thought intruders had come and apparently so did JR. We both ran into his room, ready to fight but I only saw Ren.

I looked at Ren, he was sweating and everything on his bed was now on the floor. He covered his face in his hands and started to cry.

Minhyun who had arrived not to long after us, went over and hugged Ren. I also went over to Ren and hugged him becuz that must have been some nightmare if he had screamed like that.

"Hey I'll stay here with Ren, u guys can go to bed cuz we still have school tomorrow," I told everyone reassuring them and eventually they all went back to their rooms.
"Hey Ren what happened? Did u have a nightmare?" I asked him and he nodded. "Do u wanna tell me?" he shook his head no.

"Well...I'll stay here tonight but first we should clean u up ok?" I told him and grabbed a cloth then put water on it and washed off his face. I picked up everything that was on the floor and put it back on his bed.

"Well, we have school tomorrow so tell me if ur stomach hurts or u feel like ur gonna throw up," I told Ren and he nodded. Then I layed there with him who had already fallen asleep in my arms and soon I fell asleep too.

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