Embers of a party

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One week, two police interviews, three hospital visits and one funeral later the ashes had finally settled and life around campus was returning back to normal. Rich hid himself in turtlenecks and hoodies to hide his shameful crusted body, it was said Jake caught him smearing makeup into his face one morning however moments after he entered the bathroom for himself all he could see was a smashed foundation bottle and tear soaked tissues scattered across the floor. It crushed Jakes heart to see his boyfriend so insecure and broken but he was trying he best. Everybody just called the two bros a one night hook up but they seemed really happy together with their hands never unconnected and Jake was there every night Rich was in hospital, planting kisses over his bandages assuring Rich that he was still beautiful and that he'd make him forget his insecurities but that would take a while given the current depression of Rich. Jake felt a weight lifted from his shoulders at the loss of his family home. Family? Yeah, that's a word he hadn't heard with meaning for a while. The black crumbles of the house felt like a new beginning for Jake, he'll never forget how soft the feel of Rich's hair was between his fingertips as their lips couldn't part from each other's even after some drunken 'experiments' happened in Rich's old room. He could also never forget the screaming that came from Rich as the fire engulfed his skin only setting a burn into Jakes hand as he reached for him trying to pull him out, the ringing of the words 'I'll see you some other day, Jakey D' came from a wailing rich until their view of each other was snapped off by a fallen piece of wood. The way the bright oranges danced over Rich's face was a sight he could never wipe from his mind. He had Rich once more and every time they held hands Jake would squeeze Rich's a little tighter so he didn't loose him.
Back in the dorms were Jeremy and Michael, two of the closest friends around but they were not together even though it commonly seemed that way at times. The week had gone weirdly for them two, they had grown so distant and cold but Michael knew it was his time to confront Jeremy. 8:00pm, the time seemed right, Michael took a heavy sigh and walked into the room sheepishly looking over to Jeremy who seemed to be scrolling over clothing pages clearly trying to better his style not by personal choice but by a technological ghost behind him at all times.
"Jeremy, can we talk..." Michael asked twirling his hoodie strings nervously around his fingers with the painful tension stinging the room. Jeremy poked his head from his computer screen adorning an expression of mild confusion but still sincerity before he simply spoke,
"sure dude, what's up?" Jeremy asked putting his laptop on the floor shuffling space next to him as Michael took his seat next to Jeremy staring at the floor visibly nervous before speaking .
"Don't get mad at me but I just need to get some things of my mind" Michael sighed his words.
"I won't Mikey, just talk to me you haven't said anything to me all week" Jeremy spoke sincerely curling his lip awaiting Michaels response a little fearfully.
Michael took a deep inhale of the stale tense air before exhaling into his balled together fists resting his forehead against them before he spoke,
"Y'know after you told me all about how you didn't need me and I'm only ruining your popularity, I was only kept around so you could get weed from me and you could occasionally steal music from me but I mean you listen to Eminem now- sorry I'm getting off topic but all those things about me being no one and all worthless and stuff it really hurt me Jeremy, it hurt and I-" Michael was cut off from words. His shoulders began to shift up and down, soft breathy sobbing noises came from him. Michael gripped to his hoodie sleeves mittening them over his hands sniffling back falling tears that dripped from his cheeks onto his sleeves and lap. Jeremy's eyes widened with concern, he extended his hand out to place on Michael's shoulder before tugging it away not sure if it would help Michael's current situation but Jeremy began to feel his stomach knot up with guilt but he must know what was really happening, he was also being tapped into it my a familiar circuit behind him at all times.
"And you?" Jeremy asked with a fallen smile and wide eyed concern.
Michael sniffled back the last of his tears before speaking
"I hid in the bathroom crying. Just like I am now but with more shaking and talking to myself about how awful I am and how I'm not a good a good friend to you, b-but I tried to be good yet I'm not good enough and that's okay I guess it has to be but I can't be what you want and it hurt me as my best friend or my old best friend I don't even know what we are and in a panic I just-" Michael spoke with a rushed panic until he shut himself up rolling back the red patch sleeve of his hoodie to reveal slice marks ranging across his forearm is all directions. The scabbed over lines spoke words enough although the room fell to dead silence apart from Michael's whimpering tears. Jeremy let a small 'oh god' slip from his mouth at the sight, rushing his hands over his mouth in shock and fear all because of this useless fucking floppy disk stuck to his brain,
"M-Michael I'm so sorry..." 
Jeremy mumbled his genuine words, resting his hand on Michael's shoulder. Michael shoved his hand away immediately with fear and anger building inside him and spilling over in tears,
"Don't touch me Jeremy. I don't know if it's you or the floppy disk in your brain!" Michael cried out slipping his way to his bunk hiding in a wet ball of shaky tears underneath his blanket. Jeremy sank there a while thinking over how useless and awful of a friend he was, a voice called from in his brain speaking with the same lingering smooth tone,
"well aren't you awful? Jeremiah Heere."
"Just leave me alone" Jeremy responded weakly in return from his brain.
"You can't get rid of me, just forget Michael and you'll be what everyone wants" the squip responded in the same smooth yet condescending tone.
"I'll show you..." Jeremy added quickly taking his leave from the bed to the bathroom, clutching a pair of scissors and some pliers...
"Good luck with that Mr Heere..." Called the computer from his brain, the computer that ruined his best friend...

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