Something hidden?

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After Mrs. Chapman finished her long talk about what this class is and all that fun stuff we split off in groups and did some icebreakers. That's when I saw my friend Ryan. My eyes lit up with hope and my heart started to beat so fast I thought it was going to fly out of my chest.

"Ryan?? You're in choir now?" I ran over to him not looking where I was going so I ran into someone and I fell over. As my arm made contact with the ground I felt a sharp pain and I knew why. Pulling my sleeves down while still on the floor I looked up and him with a small smile. "Hi."

"Jessica what are you doing?" He chuckled at me and lifted me up by my waist. My smile falls and pain floods my system. My face must have shown it because as soon as I was standing up right Ryan let me go and crossed his arms. "Jess..." His voice is soft and caring. I know it's all just for show because I know that he never cared about me along with all my friends. Who world love or care about someone like me. "Jessica you have to stop. You know that's not good for you and you know that it doesn't help."

"I know.." my voice is small and I look at my shoes. When he doesn't say anything I look up and meet his eyes.

"Jessica.. when was the last time you ate?" He said this like he did everything, with fake sympathy. Looking away from him I feel my heart brake. It's been a good week since my last "meal"

"This morning..." I look at him one last time before I realize what I have to do. It's the only way to get people to stop worrying about me, not that anyone does. Maybe I'm just being selfish but it's something I know I have to do.

"Don't lie to me. When was that last time you are something and what was it?" His eyes were filled with anger and I knew that I had to do it tonight.

Trenton's PoV

I walked with Jessica to her class and found that we had the same first hour but by the time I was going to sit by her my friends had come in and sat down calling my name. As much as I would love to be with her again I need to understand that she doesn't want me. I feel the familiar pain in my chest as I saw her so broken sitting alone. Maybe I should go sit by her anyways.

"Alright class listen up!" Well I guess it's to late.

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