[ the second book in the drops of sunshine series ]
As much as she ended up loving her first one, AJ Hood never wanted to go on another quest. But somehow, she ended up on one anyway. And this time, it's not going to have a pretty ending... but at...
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Lucas and I had to sit there awkwardly as the Hunters woke up at last. Aria and Kiera were both still asleep, so we just sat there, trying not to be annoying, as they packed up and got on the road. When Artemis gave us a simple nod as she passed - heck of a farewell after what we'd gone through yesterday - I thought that was it.
Then I realized we still had one of her tents.
"Wait, Lady Artemis!" I said. "We have your tent!"
Artemis did not stop, but she whispered something to one of her hunters - the south Asian one, Etisha. Etisha nodded, then doubled back as her sisters continued on.
"She said you can keep it," said Etisha. "And that she wishes you luck. And that she likes your name."
She gave me a wink, then chased back to reach the hunters. Lucas and I sat there, dumbfounded, until they disappeared in a sea of heavily baggaged silver-jacketed girls. Like a crunchy girl gang.
"Well then," said Lucas at last. "Not every day you get a compliment from a goddess."
I smiled. "Not every day, indeed."
~ ☼ ~
It wasn't until an hour past sunrise that Aria and Kiera finally woke up. I wanted to let them keep sleeping, mostly because it meant I wouldn't have to move, but Lucas said we had to get on the road if we wanted to get to Chicago by the Fourth of July and/or the Solstice. Even though I'd argued with Kiera that the quest couldn't possibly be that quick, now I was wondering why I'd worried so much - it was literally mid-June. There was no way this would take all the way until the fourth of July.
"Okay," said Kiera. She and Aria were now as thick as thieves, arms interlocked as they approached me. Lucas was behind them, staring at the tent, not knowing what do with it. "We're ready."
"I can't believe Lady Artemis gave us sleeping bags and a tent," said Aria, smiling. "This is the craziest couple days ever."
I looked at Kiera for a reaction to this, but she kept her face even. But she did catch my eye and give me the softest smile. I nodded back.
Behind her, Lucas was now attempting to lower the tent poles, only for one side of the tent to collapse on him. I held back my laugh.
"Aria," I said, "You know camping stuff, right? You should help Lucas."
"Oh no," she said. She put her hands up. "He wanted to do it all by himself."
Kiera grinned devilishly, and the two girls exchanged knowing looks. I did not like this. Not one bit. But I also kind of did.
"What?" I asked.
Kiera's elvish features twisted into even more mischief. "I think somebody has a crush on somebody else and is trying to impress them!" She said this in a very sing-songy way, which just made me blush harder.