XI. Aria Goes to Therapy

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I stood for a while until my legs started to cramp. Then I sat down, wishing I had something to lean against other than the dusty as heck door. I couldn't sit against the fox, because I'd probably fall asleep.

Just as my thoughts were drifting off to important things, like the most recent season of American Idol and whether or not a hot dog was a sandwich, I saw Aria shift. She opened her eyes, catching mine.

I waved at her.

She waved back. Then, looking at Kiera and the fox, she quickly got up and scurried over to sit next to me.

I couldn't tell you what time it was. Because, like crazy people, we'd actually gone to bed around 7 pm. I hadn't realized it until it was too late and they were all already asleep. I could've walked around the mall more, but I was too afraid to after my big brave moment. Now, it could've been 8 pm or it could've been 2 am. I had no idea either way. I was losing track of time, and my mind, too...

"Hi," whispered Aria. She plopped herself down, smelling like fox. "How you doing?"

"Okay," I whispered back. "How are you?"

"Okay," she said. She shrugged.

"Yeah," I said.

Then, for a long, awkward moment, neither of us knew what to say. Without Kiera or Lucas, I guess I didn't know Aria very well. Once upon a time, she'd guided me in a game of Capture the Flag at camp without either of them with us, but I guess I was less awkward when I was distracted by having just found out the literal Greek Gods were real. And also that I got to use weapons.

"So," said Aria after a while. "Have you always lived in Highland Falls?"

I nodded. "Yep. Most boring town in New York."

She giggled. "I don't know. I think the North Shore of Long Island is pretty boring."

I liked when Aria made jokes. They were nicer than Kiera's. I giggled too, the first time I think I'd ever giggled with another girl. Giggled! Like we were at slumber party!

I guess we kind of were, in some bizarro way.

"So," Aria said, "We've got a Hawaiian, a Pittsburgher, an Upstater and a Connecticutter."

"Yep," I said, popping the p. Then, carefully, I added, "If you like Hawaii so much, why do you want to join the hunters?"

Aria shrugged, luckily. I guess she was only sensitive to it if Kiera was around. That made sense; the first time we'd ever talked about them, she'd given me info freely.

"I love Hawaii," she said, "But Lady Artemis..."

She smiled dreamily, and I had to restrain a cough.

"She's cool," I said.

"She's more than cool."

"She looks like she's 12."

"You think so?" Aria asked, turning towards me. "I think she looks like she's our age. But I don't know. I saw her for the first time when I was like 10. She came to camp. I've been obsessed ever since."

I decided to not dive into the psychological implications of this.

"Kiera really does not want you to go,' I said offhandedly, scratching my ankle. A bug had bitten me while I was standing there, and somehow this was annoying me as much as I think Aria wanting to join the hunters annoyed Kiera.

Aria sighed, blowing a loose strand from her ponytail out of her face. "I know."

Then she was silent. For a very long time.

At the end, she said, "I need to tell you something, but you have to promise not to tell anyone."

Oh! A secret. I felt honored. I held out my pinky, and she smiled, taking it in hers. "I promise," I said.

"I'm bi," she said, really quickly. Then, even more rapidly, she added, "I think. I don't know. I just know I like girls. Maybe boys too-"

"Hey," I said, wrapping an arm around her. "I support you no matter what."

She smiled, her blush going away instantly. "Really?"

I nodded. "Come on, do I seem like I'd be homophobic to you?"

She sighed through her nose. "Lucas seems like he would be, and you like him."

That made me really sad to hear her say that. But I don't think he would be. Maybe it was just my hopes, but he didn't seem like someone who'd be homophobic, old money as he was. In fact, I was willing to bet that one day, he'd strain against his preppy father, bowing against his control, casting off the Ralph Lauren and saying, "This isn't my dream, dad, it's yours."

Or something like that.

"Well, no matter what," I said. "I am not. I support gay people, bi people..." I shrugged. "Um, well, no matter what, I support you."

Aria looked genuinely warmed. For a minute, I wondered why, then I realized it was because she wasn't used to that - that unconditional support. I glanced at Kiera, wondering if she was homophobic, then I realized she didn't know; the conditional support came from her not wanting Aria to join the hunters.

I definitely don't think Kiera would be homophobic. And I think there was a reason Aria wasn't telling her.

My stomach dropped, but I didn't show it. I just, awkwardly, hugged Aria from the side. She gasped, then hugged me back.

"Good talk," I said.

"I agree," she said. She sounded like she was on the verge of tears. "Thank you, A.J.  seriously."

I smiled at her. I meant what I said. Obviously I would never be homophobic, but even otherwise, I would support Aria no matter what I did. But I was not her life long best friend. If Alec had told me he was leaving to join the, uh, Hunters of Orion, or something, and I'd only see him maybe once every 5 years, I'd be super upset.

Weird you would consider Alec your best friend, I thought. You've only known him for a year.

But it was the truth.

It was he and Riley and the sun over Camp Half-Blood that I thought of as I fell asleep at last.

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A/N: I love Aria (like I said, I've had her as an OC for a very very long time - 10 years at this point) so this was super cathartic <3 

Also, yes, the implication here is that Kiera and Aria have a bit of something going on... and yes, they were originally both self-inserts of me... um... idk what to tell you about that. Self x self I guess xD When I was in middle school I used to tell my friends I would date a clone of myself and everyone always thought I was super weird for it but like. I think that's valid. No one knows you better!!!!

If someone is still reading this at this point ily bc wtf am I saying

If someone is still reading this at this point ily bc wtf am I saying

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