Fear of Magic

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Here's chapter 3 :) Comment and vote please!

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Chapter 3

What? What the heck is happening? Why are 2 snake ladies and a lion-scorpion about to kill me? My family told me to go here to get killed? Seriously, what are they thinking? Panic and fear rushes through me. What do I do?

One snake woman lunged at me and the other one at Exiandro. I ran of course and he did too. Good thing we played a lot, so we can run and run and run. Then I thought about the door. I ran to it but it was opened by the guy with the crutches.

"Renée, Exiandro, Catch!" he shouted and threw a pen at me and a scythe at Exiandro.

Exiandro quickly attacked the snake woman and she crumpled to dust. Cool. Me? I ran as I examine the pen. Heck? A pen? What am I gonna do? Write on the scales of this monster?

Then I clicked it. It immediately turned into a sword. Wow.

I turned around and slashed that monster. I slashed her in the shoulder and instead of red blood it's gold blood that's spilling from her shoulder. I slashed and slashed and slashed until she crumpled to dust too. I saw Exiandro battling the lion-scorpion.

Then the lion-scorpion lunged at Exiandro and he loose grip of his scythe. I ran to them and killed the lion-scorpion. He, too, crumpled to dust. I helped Exiandro up.

"What the heck just happened?!" Exiandro exclaimed.

"Can you please explain this?" I asked the guy with crutches.

He gestured us to wait and he removed his pants. Instead of legs, he has goat legs. Then he removed his cap and I saw little horns, like a goat's. I realize my mouth is hanging open in shock.

"Are you monster too?" I asked loudly at him.

"If I am. Why did I gave you weapons?" he asks.

"Oh yeah sorry. But what exactly is happening?" I asked again.

"Please come with me first. It's not safe here. Come on!" he told us.

What choice do we have? Me and Exiandro followed the goat guy but before we leave the building, Exiandro asked him "Will people stare at you if you're looking like a goat?". Goat guy just shrugged. "Come on! Hurry!" he said and we ran towards a trees.

Goat guy took out, an instrument which look likes reed pipes. He played a tone. We waited. I put my pen in my pocket. (I clicked again and it turned back to a pen). Minutes later, a van came. Goat guy urged us to come in and we did. As we're headed towards wherever Goat guy is taking us he talked to us.

"Don't ask questions till I'm done okay?" we nodded. "I'm Grover Underwood. I'm a satyr in Camp Half-Blood. Camp Half-Blood is where we're going now. It is the safest place for demigods like you guys. Yes, you two are demigods. A half-human and a half-god. The monsters you battled there is an echidna and a manticore. You shall be claimed by your godly parent for you to know who he or she is. Any more questions?" he asked as we shook our heads.

We stayed silent for the whole trip. I guess Exiandro is also thinking what I'm thinking.

So this is what I need to know? That I'm a demigod? Who's my godly parent? I'm going to die young because of monsters. Maybe I won't go back to the wizard world anymore because I'll die here. Now I get why they became very emotional when I left.

After a short trip, Grover told us that we're already in Camp Half-Blood. We left the van and it vanished as well. Grover led us to the what he calls Big House.

A half-human, half-horse came. A centaur, there are these kind of creatures in the wizard world anyway. He introduced himself as Chiron. He said there will be a campfire that evening to welcome us. He said that we prepare in 30 minutes. Grover gave us a pair of pants. Good thing it's my size. He also gave us an orange shirt written 'Camp Half-Blood' in it.

As we're about to leave, I remembered my pen/sword. I was about to go back and get it but Grover said it'll come back to my pocket immediately. I checked it and it was there. Cool! Now I won't bother losing it.

We walked toward the campfire place. Chiron said we sit in the Hermes area. Oh well, what choice do we have but to obey? So we sat there awkwardly with the Hermes campers.

"We have two new campers here!" Chiron announced as many eyes looked at him. "This is Renée Weasley and Exiandro Aiden!" he shouted as eyes turned toward us. I put a friendly smile on face which is weird cause I'm not that friendly.

After that came a normal campfire you do. Some are toasting marshmallows. Some are playing different games. Exiandro is talking to the Hermes kids. While I'm here examining my sword. It's sword form now. I looked at the handle, it's like missing something like a symbol. After I thought it, a trident came out of the handle. Not really a trident but a symbol of a trident.

I looked around me, looking for Chiron. I saw him and I approached him. I showed him my sword. He looked shocked. He's about to announce something when an Aphrodite child accidentally pushed me.

"Ow!" Then the most weirdest thing happened. The moment I fell to the floor, a giant wave from the lake rose. I concentrated and commanded it to go back down and it did.

"Cool." is all I can say after that. I stood up and everybody's staring.

Then Chiron shouted. "Renée Weasley, Daughter of Poseidon!" and they cheered.

Follow me on twitter : girlofthewater


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