Chapter 1

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A/N: Hey Fruit Mes Amies! This is a new story for you all. Sorta as an extra thank you for getting so many followers!
Now this story is going to be sad and I don't mean kinda sad, no I mean actually sad. So please be careful reading.

Warning: death

Enjoy! (that seems weird to say after that warning, but still try to like it if you can.)

“Urgh baby isn't it best you sleep on your back?” Dallon asked as he shifted underneath his pregnant husband. He was trying to get comfortable, but it was kinda hard with the extra weight.

“No, I like it better over here next to my cuddle bear.” Gerard smiled as he snuggled closer to his chest. He was near the end of his pregnancy and that made him quite large. Only two weeks left to go.

“Yeah, but it was cool when you didn't weigh a ton.” Dallon giggled. Gerard sat up and hit him with a pillow.

“Do you hear that sweetie? You're farther says we're too fat to cuddle with him. Can you believe that?” He gasped as he rubbed his round belly.

“Gee it was only a joke.” Dallon smiled and pulled him back down on him. “I could never get tired of my mama bear and little bear. Plus I could use the body heat.” He apologized as he rubbed his husband’s belly as well.

“You better only be using my body heat mister.” Gerard gave him a suspicious glare. His hormones tend to make him very insecure. Not to say he wasn't before this, but all his feelings got multiplied by a hundred since he became pregnant.

“Of course Gee, your heat is all that will do. No one will ever compare to you.” Dallon smiled and kissed his forehead. Gerard began to tear up

“Aww Dal, I love you.” He jumped up and kissed the other man hard.  The tall man underneath pulled him in tight. Their lips always fit perfectly together. They couldn't get enough.

“I love you too Gee, now let's get some rest.” Dallon yawned. Gerard yawned as well and agreed. They fell asleep in each other's arms.


Gerard awoke to a slight twinge in his stomach. He shifted a little to get back comfortable. The twinge soon turned to pain. And that pain became worse. He quickly sat up as it was harder to breathe. “D-dal… wake up.” He shook the man next to him.

“Gee it's late…..” Dallon mumbled as he turned on his side. Gerard screamed suddenly in pain. “W-what's wrong Gerard, baby speak to me.” He jumped up to see tears in his husband’s eyes while he was holding his stomach.

“T-the baby…….I-I think he’s coming…..oh HE’S COMING NOW!” Gerard screamed as he felt another contraction.

“Okay okay calm down just let me throw on some clothes then I'll take you to the hospital.” Dallon jumped out of bed. He rushed as he heard more cries from his husband.

“Baby t-this doesn't feel right…..W-what if something wrong!?” Gerard started to panic. And when he panicked, then he started hyperventilating. Which was bad for the baby.

Dallon rushed over and held his face in his hands. “Gee sweetie you gotta calm down. I promise you everything will be just fine. I'm gonna take you to the hospital and we're gonna welcome our little bear into this world. And we're gonna live happily ever after. Alright?” He told the crying man.

“Alright.” Gerard giggled through the tears. He then kissed the tall man. Dallon could always calm him down. Suddenly he gasped again.

“Baby what's wrong?” Dallon looked him over. Gerard pulled back the covers to see the wet spot on the sheets.

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