Don't Look Back

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Also I now have 10 fans. :O

This chapter's song is "Marry You," by Bruno Mars

Love you all my little pretties,

Madame Midnight


Evelyn's POV

When Harry called for me, I had a mini heart attack.

I got up from the couch and cautiously walked over to the other room. I passed Niall and flashed him a quick smile. He looked at me, eyes filled with dread, and mouthed "I'm Sorry."

Sorry for what?

When I walked into the room and saw the look of anger on Harry's face, I realized why Niall was sorry. He told.

He told Harry everything.

He promised me he would keep it our secret.

After everything.

After he told me he loved me.

After I told him I loved him.

A lump in my throat began to form as soon as Harry's eyes met mine.

"Tell me Niall is lying," Harry practically begged. "I don't want any of this to be true. Tell me he's lying Ev."

I tried to answer but the lump in my throat grew bigger and I couldn't speak. So I just shook my head.

"So he's telling the truth?" Harry asked. I nodded, blinking back the tears that were stinging my eyes.

"Why didn't you tell me, or mum, or dad, or anyone Ev, why would let yourself keep getting hurt? It hurts me too you know that. To know that my little sister is getting hurt," Harry began to tear up as well but I knew he wasn't going to cry. He stifled back his tears and continued, "Why can't you just talk to me?"

"Because I thought you'd ignore me like everyone else Harry! I tried to reach out to someone and no one listened Harry no one! Also if Ethan found out that I tried to talk to someone, oh god." I crumpled to the ground, hugging myself. Harry sat down beside me and rubbed my arm.

"I will always listen to you Ev, you just need to talk to me."

"What was I supposed to say Harry," I asked harshly. "Tell you that I was stupid enough to let a guy abuse me? That I was stupid enough to actually fool myself into believing that I loved him? That I was stupid enough.." He cut me off with a harsh tone in his voice.

"You are not stupid Evelyn. This guy, he just, I don't even know what to say." Harry brushed his hands through his untamed curly hair.

"Mom's sending me to boarding school in America." I said after a moment of silence.

Mom had seen the way I had been acting up back in America, when we were planning on moving here she warned me that if I messed up once she would send me home to America to go to an all girl's boarding school in California, where I wouldn't cause trouble.

"I know," Harry said blankly. "But I'm not gonna let her take you away." Harry said giving my hand a hopeful squeeze.

"There is one more thing we need to talk about." Harry said cautiously. Oh No.

"Niall?" I asked scared.

"Yeah. Look I'm not going to stop you guys, just don't be stupid. Please Ev."

"So, you're not mad?" I asked hopefully.

"Hell no, I'm still mad. And I far from approve it, but if you guys are serious about this, then okay. Just keep your relationship PG, okay?"

I smiled and put my head on his shoulder.

"Thanks Hazzy Bear."

I heard Harry give out a light chuchkle at my nickname for him. He hated it, but he knew it was special for me to call him that, so he let me.

Harry walks downstairs but I stay upstairs. I'm going to talk to Niall.


Niall's POV

I sit down on my bed, just thinking. Some of my thought goes to Harry's look of distress when I told him about Ev. The other part goes to Evelyn. The way she looked at me when she poured her secrets out. After a while of thinking, Evelyn came to my door.

"You bastard." Evelyn said angrily.

"Listen, I did it and I don't regret it. You were being hurt and I told Harry because he had to know!"

"You betrayed me, you lied and you can just forget about us! Forget about everything, I regret that I said I love you. I regret that I kissed! I never want to see you again!" She began to back out of my room but I gripped her hand tight.

"I protected you and I still love you no matter what you think and I know deep down you love me too." Her eyes were filled tears as her hand tried to wriggle out of mine. I wouldn't let go, she needed to know.

"I love you too Niall, okay but can I trust you," she asked, half in love and half terrified. I was scared too though.

"Marry me."

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