Chapter 7: A Room of Masks

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"Oh, shut up!" I give my stomach light slap. I finished my "pity crying" thirty minutes ago; the toll for my hard-core blubbering and whimpering-besides the fact that I'm pregnant-is that now I'm starving.

The pizza came ten minutes ago and the smell is driving me mad!


This is the eleventh time my stomach has growled at me.



I'm trying to make it shut up, but it won't listen to me.


"Oh, stop complaining," I whisper. Propping myself on my elbows, I look at my stomach with a small glare. "You're hungry, so what? Did your heart break today?" I close my eyes at my slip-up. I promised myself that I would not mention that, at least not for a while. Of course, that's always easier said than done.

I still haven't decided what I'm going to do if or when he comes back. Or if he asks me to come back. For now, I decided to move on the best I can.

"So don't come complaining to me; there's a lot worse than starvation," I poke my stomach, as if proving a point. "A lot worse..." I give a sad smile and caress the lower half of my stomach, feeling the teeniest of bumps. "Hello, there." I coo. "I'm your mother...."

I freeze. Oh my God...I've officially lost it! First I punish my stomach for growling, then I coo at it. Lovely, Ames, just lovely!


I sigh, flopping back onto the bed. I've been staring at the roof for the past ten minutes, listening to the muffled voices behind the door. I can't hear exact words, only a combination of mixed voices; some are deep, some are low, one musical. I don't know how to explain it, but one of the voices is more distinct than the others, and that's because of his beautiful voice. If it's possible for a voice to sound beautiful, almost musical even, it's his. It's deep and even, soothing.

It's heavenly.


"Ugh! Alright, alright." I mumble, surrenduring. "I'll call Allison." I gently throw myself off the bed, leaning down toward the duffel bag that was placed at my feet. I dig through it, shoving clothes aside in the process, searching for my damned phone.

I've noticed that I've been cussing more than usual-I wonder if it's because of these new raging hormones?

Oh, what more is to come?

Where is it? I ask myself. I dug through the whole bag and couldn't find it, I even pulled out a few articles of my clothing. I sit down beside the bed. Where did I leave it last?

Let's see...I had it at work...then I used it as Allison was driving me home...threw it down on the couch.....

I gasp.


It's still at Jack's house. I forgot to pick it up on my way out. I let my head fall back on the bed side. Ohh...I need my phone. But I don't want to go back to Jack's.

But I need to get it.  I will need it eventually. All my appointments are on there, my contacts, everything...

I guess I'll need to ask Allison to help me go retrieve it at some point. The only important appointment that I have to remember is the Obstetrician appointment, luckily that one is deeply engraved in my brain.


Don't remind me, stomach...

Oh am I going to get food? Maybe I can sneak out? No! I promised Allison I would stay in here. Maybe I could get her attention somehow, like make a small noise or something like that. I look around the room, trying to find an object that could hopefully catch her attention. Allison has a lot of weird things in her house, so it shouldn't be that hard.

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