Chapter 19: Singing Lesson: After-Talk

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Allison continues to stand there, plates in hand, watching the scene in front of her.

I don't take notice. I focus on the task at hand-the brave task at hand: hugging Erik. I plan on giving him the best hug he's ever had.

The first hug he's ever had, I remind myself.

I wrap my arms carefully around his neck, feeling the heat radiate off his body. I can feel his strong back muscles on my arms, it's really manly. My heart skips a beat....or two. I brush my hand through his hair in a calming manner. It's soft, but....stringy.....

It's fake. I can feel that it's fake. Why does he need a wig? And why have I never noticed it before?

I shake my mind from those pointless thoughts and continue to stroke his hair. I pull myself into him, giving him a tight, yet gentle hug.

I can feel Erik's body stiffen; I can also feel his heart beat faster, hammering against my chest. The thought that I'm able to do that to him makes my heart beat faster too. Or has it already been beating fast? I mean, touching him tingles...what does that mean?

"W-what are you doing?" Erik stutters. I can hear confusion, and maybe some nervousness in his voice.

"Giving you your first "normal" hug," I explain teasingly.

Erik's arm twitches, like he's not sure whether to wrap it around me or to keep it by his side. I place my hand on his arm and lift it up to wrap around me. "There you go," I sigh. "Just....relax into it."

"You don't have to hug me because you feel like you have too," he grumbles.

"I don't feel like I have to, Erik-I want to! I wanted to give you a hug."

"Y-you aren't disgusted by hugging me?" He asks, surprised.

I shake my head. "No."

Erik tightens his grip around me. I can feel his body relax into mine. We are now chest to chest. He releases a small gasp.

More butterflies appear in my stomach.

Dear Lord!!

Erik stands up, slightly pushing me away. "I need to go. We'll continue our lesson-" he grabs his music book, shuts the piano, and walks to the door, "-next time...which is Wednesday...I think. Goodbye!" The door slams shut.

I'm still kneeling on the floor, frozen in my position: knees pressed against the floor, arms partially circled as if I'm giving an invisible person a hug...mouth wide open (except it wasn't open before).

Well...that was abrupt, I say to myself.

"Holly shit!" Allison hiss-whispers.

I turn around to face her for the first time. "Allison! How long have you been standing there?"

Allison rushes forward, plates in hand. "Long enough!" She sets the plates on the table and sits on the couch. Swallowing, I join her. "I can't believe he let you do that!" She exclaims. "Nevertheless, I can't believe you did that?"

"Why is it hard to believe I would do something like that?" I ask. I pick up my sandwhich, remembering my need for food.

"Because that was daringly bold. And you know Erik's personality; he's not the biggest toucher or hugger! You know, after peeking at you two from the kitchen, it almost looked like the both of you have known each other for years. Almost like you guys were a couple," she finishes as an after-thought.

My cheeks heat up at the comment.

Allison bites her finger, deep in thought. "And based on some of his would almost appear that he likes you."

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