Chapter 16: Telling the Teachers, Telling the Boss...No Parents Yet

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Long chapter! Enjoy! :)

You got this Amy! I give myself a reassuring breath as I look at myself in the mirror. I'm trying to look calm and confident, it's not really working. You can do this! Just be calm and stay confident. Don't let them take your guard down! 

A knock at my door disruptes my "encouragment thoughts". 

"Yes!" I squeak. I clear my throat, helping me talk in a normal voice again. "Yes."

Allison pops her pony-tailed hair through the door. "Dear Lord, Ames! You got to calm down." 

"I can't," I snap. "It's kind of hard to calm down when your about to tell your teachers and the school head that you are pregnant!

Allison rolls her eyes in response. "Fine, Amy. I'm going to go wait in the car." She leaves and I'm left alone to fret with my nerves. 

Yesterday, when Allison came home, I told her that I planned on letting the school head and my teachers know about my pregnancy. She agreed with me, saying that she'll be there for me if I want to. I disagreed on that; I want to do this on my own. Why? Because I'm not always going to have Allison when I'm going through the hard stuff. Most of the time I will, but other times I won't. However, I don't plan to tell my parents, which is why I did not mention them to Allison, hoping she'll forget about them. I really don't want to tell them, not yet. I can't. I won't. 

No. Not yet.

I also told her about my "singing" dreams and Erik's sudden appearance. It went on to something like this:

"Hey," Allison groans as she plops down on the couch. 

"Hey," I say, grabbing a slice of pizza. After Erik left, I called for pizza, thinking it was the easiest choice. "Do you want one?" 

"Uh...sure," she says. I grab another slice. Taking the two plates, I hand one to her and the leave the other for myself. I secretly take a huge sniff. 

Mmmm. Yum!

I sit down on the couch next to her. Allison grabs for the remote and turns on the TV. "Anything you want to watch?"

I shrug. "Doesn't matter."

Allison stops on the tv show Frasier

"Rough day at work?" I take a bite of cheese pizza.

"Kind of," she groans. "It's so much easier if your there too."

I smile. "Are you finally admitting that you need me in your life?" 

"No, I'm complaining at the fact how you have it so much easier."

"Oh, I hope that's sarcasm." I shake my head, smiling.

"Guess again." But she's smiling as well. 

We are silent, watching Frasier and laughing at the funny moments. It was at this time I mention the telling-the-school-head-and-my-teachers-conversation, and it was after this that I mention Erik. 

"Okay. You going to be okay telling them by yourself?" She asks.

"Yeah. Time to take a step up. Oh!" I exclaim. "Guess who stopped by today?"

"Who?" Her eyes are glued to the TV.


"Erik? Wait! Erik, Erik?? Our church group Erik?" She kept repeating it as if she couldn't believe it.

"Yes," I say, amused. "'Our church Erik'."

"Why?" Allison gives me her full attention, her eyes wide. "Tell me everything!"

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