4: I know he's real✔️

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Malia and I were running in the forest, we do this when we are really stressed and I have been losing control exactly like Malia. She and I were racing, I was ahead and I see another werewolf, I run after it. Its scent was familiar, but have no idea from where. I hear a shot and Malia groaning and roaring, I roar and see Malia on the floor I run to her as fast as I can then I hear another shot and I fall to the floor I roar at the people coming towards us. I hold my torso and see my dad and Melissa I growl at them and so was Malia.

I feel a sharp pain in my torso and my eyes open wide I roar sitting up I was in the hospital "Hold her down" Melissa says, Malia and my dad push me down I roar "Why am I in the morgue? I'm not dead yet," I say "You're a She-wolf True Alpha. It's private down here and this is going to hurt." Melissa says I sit up, but lay back down groaning "Try not to roar," she says I hold onto my dad's and Malia's shoulders they both groan "You got anything for the pain?" dad asked "I can take it" I say staring at the ceiling "It's for me" he says "What were both of you doing in the woods?" Melissa asked, "I was relieving my stress, I run in the woods at night when I'm stressed than I saw Malia, so both of us started running," I say "At 2:00 A.M" she says I nod "Coyotes are nocturnal. I heard screams. Like someone being murdered scream" Malia says "How far ahead was I from you? I didn't hear anything" I say "Did you see anything? Catch a scent?" dad asked "Just blood" Malia says "I chased after a werewolf, but I didn't see his face I saw the back of it and all I can say it's a he that's all." I say groaning "That's until someone shot my sister and then me," I say groaning holding my dad's and Malia's shoulder tighter, making them groan louder "You two were about to tear us apart" Melissa says "It's not their fault, when a coyote smells a fresh kill, its senses are overcome, The blood drives it crazy. And a She-Wolfs priority is to protect her pack no matter the cost, and that drives her crazy, if someone in her pack is hurt. She could start a killing spree of the people that hurt or killed her pack" dad says I start to whimper "I'm sorry it's pretty deep" she says I nod. My breathing was heavy "I'm trying not to damage" then she hit something that hurt like hell. I sit up my dad and Melissa looks at me they step back, I take the tweezers from her I groan trying to get the bullet, my breathing was getting heavier. I pulled the bullet out I look at my dad "Here's the bullet" I say getting off the table starting to heal.


I was with Lydia which then we crash into Scott and Malia, they were show us the library card of the boy who went missing "It's a relic" Lydia says I nod agreeing "What's a relic?" Malia says "An object with a fixed association to the past." Lydia says "Jake's ID was left behind after he was taken. And Gwen found her sister's bracelet on her bedroom floor." I say looking at them "How can someone be erased, and still leave something behind?" Malia asked "A conservation mass. The total mass of any isolated system remains constant." I say "So, even the Ghost Riders have a weakness." Scott says "A relic would be proof that Stiles existed." Malia says "And maybe we can bring him back." I nod agreeing.


"Ana, where are going with the card?" I hear Lydia ask behind me while I walk to my Jeep "Proof that Stiles did exist" I say, she grabs my arm "He doesn't know he has a son" she says "I know! And I need to change that," I say staring into her eyes "I'm coming with you" she says I nod and we drive off.

"You wanna search my house?" Sheriff asks while holding the card, I get closer to him "People are leaving things behind, so if Stiles left anything-" I get cut off "Why would it be there?" he asks I look at him "You can't just erase people, they leave things behind" I say staring into his eyes. He looks at me and I close my eyes taking a deep breath "I couldn't sleep last night, so I got up and did some paper work, files were in the back of my car so I go in the garage and some junk has fallen off a shelf and I, I stubbed my toe on an old baseball bat. Without thinking I yelled a name" he says I look at Lydia her eyes widened so did mine I remember watching baseball almost all the time with someone it had to be Stiles "Stiles," I say thinking of him.

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