6: Ghost Town ✔️

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     "Hey, Ana, are you okay?" Lydia asked "Yeah, it's just after I spoke to Stiles, I still haven't got him out of my mind," I say and turn to her "I need to use the bathroom," I say "Want me to come with?" she asked "No, no, um I wanna freshen up" I say she nods and walks away I head to the ladies room and stare at myself in the restroom I sigh and turn on the water and wash my hands. I turn off the water I look back at the mirror and gasp and step back. I see a woman in the mirror, literally, then she turns around, I shake my head and then I see myself in the mirror, I turn on the water and wet my face a little. Then I hear kids laughing and music like if it was like a carnival or something I get closer to the mirror the noise started getting louder, I touch the mirror and hand start to go through the mirror.

     I go through the mirror and the cars in the neighborhood looked old so this must be from the past, I see the lady that scared me, I start to follow her "Hello?" I yell walking faster "Wait!" I start to run after her, she enters a crowd and I lose her, I see people laughing I looked around looking for her. I see kids riding the carousel and then I see one was empty and it had blood all over it. I stare at it then it started to become windy and the clouds started to get dark the carousel stopped.

     I see a man running from his home and he kept on looking back before I know it he disappears and I see the blue-green fog appear which happens when they get taken. I hear people start to scream and run. All the kids in the carousel started to get taken I look around and I couldn't see any of the ghost riders, I see a bunch of people get taken I close my eyes then open them, everyone who was here disappeared, I see a women looking around, that was the woman that scared me.

     She sees me and I walk towards her then I see her covering her ears and breathing heavily I stop walking and look at her "It's not real!" she yells and keeps repeating it, I walk towards her then she starts to cry I walk faster "Hey" I say putting my hand on her shoulder she looks at me, then I get a vision and the sound sounded like the Dread doctors, I start to scream and not a regular scream it was a banshee scream.


     "You saw a carousel?" Malia asked "And a big sign that said, Canaan and also people disappearing in blue and green smoke," I say looking at Malia and Lydia "Do you ever have nice dreams?" Malia asked "It wasn't a dream," I say "So what do you want to do?" Lydia asks "We need to go to Canaan," I say Malia closes her laptop "It will be helpful if we knew anything about the place, I keep calling the number for City Hall, and no one answers. The only map I can find it on is 30 years old" Malia says looking at me and taking out the map and unfolding it, I see the location because she circled it.

     "So far, the only thing I know about Canaan is where it is," she says pointing to Canaan in the map "Well I think that's all we need to know and once we get there, we'll find out more about it," I say taking the map and leaving.


     We arrive and I see Scott sleeping in the back, Lydia was just looking at him "Tap him" I tell her she does as told, but nothing I sigh I turn to Malia who was behind the wheel and smile. I push the horn making Scott jump up "Morning sleeping beauty" I say giving him a smile "Where are we?" Scott asked "According to the GPS, this is it," Malia says. Scott sits up and looks around we get out of the car and notice that this place is a ghost town "Well this is it. Canaan's a ghost town" I say looking at the neighborhood.

     "I don't hear a single heartbeat," Scott said "I'm not catching any scents," Malia says "I wonder why Stiles sent us here," Scott says I see a street light flicker, we all turn to look at it. I look at Scott and he shrugs it can't just turn on, on its own. We keep on walking "Is it me or does it feel like someone's watching me" I say looking around "Well nobodies here so that's not possible" Malia says.

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