2: I think I loved him✔️

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      Liam, Scott, and I were practicing lacrosse "Ana, You are not quitting lacrosse, you're good at it," Scott says "Scott, Kira's not here anymore, I am now the only girl on the team," I say "She'll come back," Scott says softly "When, huh? Scott, we only have a couple weeks left, she said it could be years?" I say and he stays quiet, I hear something behind me it was like if things were running behind me "Did you feel that?" I ask "Feel what?" Scott and Liam say "Thought I heard something. Just forget it, um let's keep goin'." I say Scott stands by the goal "Or we can call it." Liam says "We gotta work on your back shots." I say "Why?" Liam asks "Liam, they suck." I say "What are you talkin' about?" Liam asks "Your back shots. Which suck." I say Liam gets a ball and does a back shot Scott doesn't catch it and he kept on making it into the goal "I must have been thinkin' of someone else." I say "Yeah, Maybe someone else who should be Captin?" Liam says and I look at Scott "We'll make it." Scott says. The lights turn off and now it was dark "Well, guess we have to go now." Liam says "No, we don't," Scott says and flashes his eyes and I flash them too, so does Liam "Alright boy, try to prove me you can make Captin when we're gone," I say smirking.

     I see Liam face drop "What's wrong?" Scott and I ask Liam "Something's happening to Mason." Liam says and he drops his lacrosse stick and he runs towards the school. Scott and I follow him. We open the doors and enter the school then I see someone coming towards us with a fire-hydrant? and Corey with a chair? Mason and Corey were panting "They were here. The Ghost Riders." Mason says my eyes widen "Here? Just now?" I ask "I thought they left when the storm left." Liam says "I guess not because two of them were right up there." Mason says, I look at Scott "What were they doing?" Scott asks "We didn't see when they came in. We only saw them when we turned invisible?" Mason says "You brought him into this?" Liam asks Corey getting closer to him and Mason gets between them "He was trying to protect me." Mason says "They didn't seem to care about us. They walked right by us." Corey says "Then what happened?" I ask. Corey and Mason look at each other like they didn't know what to say "Uh... They just jumped down and left." Mason says, I look at him confused "That's it?" I ask "Yeah," Corey says, some things missing like a bunch was left out from what Mason and Corey said, "They didn't take someone?" I ask looking at the ceiling "There was nobody else in here?" Scott asks. They look at each other again "No, it was just us." Corey says.


     "Do you see him?" I hear a familiar voice says and then I hear like a train going by my house I sit up, I hear a train screeching, and things in my room were shaking I screamed, I shut my eyes while I still hear the rumbling from a train. Then I sit up again breathing heavily my lights got turned on I see Scott coming in "Ana, What's wrong?" Scott says I look at him confused "Did you hear that?" I ask looking around "I heard you screaming." Scott says "No. It was the sound of a train passing through my room." I say, Scott looks at me confused "Ana, it was probably a nightmare because we don't live near any train tracks," Scott says "No, I wasn't. It wasn't asle-" I couldn't talk, I still couldn't catch my breathe "Well, there wasn't a train and we haven't had an earthquake, so... it must have been a bad dream" he says "I'm sorry I woke you" I say while he closing the door "It's fine," he says and shuts the door. "But I wasn't asleep" I whisper. I look at the wall and see a picture on the floor, I get off my bed and grab it I turn it around and it was the picture of Scott, Malia, Lydia and I, there was a big gap between Scott and I in the photo I was kissing the air it's like if someone should have been there or I'm just crazy.


     I open the school doors I look at everyone smiling I stop by a locker and like always I stay waiting for someone. The bell rings and everyone walks to class I look at the time "Shoot practice, why doesn't anybody ever tell me anything," I say and go to the locker room and put on my workout clothes and I grab my goalie stick and run.

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